User States

Factors that influence Nimbus task distribution

For its Reporting Model, Nimbus distinguishes sessions by various user state factors: Teams Presence, Duty State, Task Selectability, and User Status flags. A change in either factor has influence on the others, either in being a requirement or in a co-dependency.

Factor Precondition(s) Tracked User State relevant to Nimbus
  Teams Layer
Presence in MS Teams ✅ Online – including status "Busy" or "Away"    
(individually defined per Distribution Service Settings)
MS-Teams based services will distribute when "Active".
Online and set "Active" in Nimbus     
MS-Teams based services will distribute. 
Online but Busy/Away in Teams and set "Active" in Nimbus
Conditional: Determined per each service's Distribution Service Settings aser can either be selectable ↓ or not.
  Nimbus Layer

✅User is online and has any "On Duty" responsibility profile selected.  
✅User is assigned to the Service as “Agent”

Off Duty     
Being in an "Off Duty" profile pre­vents any Contact Center participation.
On Duty       
Any "On Duty" type responsibility profile allows Contact Center participation. Skills and Responsibilities in that profile must match the service to be "Selectable"  . This is determined by the individual Distribution Policies assigned to the respective services.
Task selectable

“In Time available” to perform tasks in Nimbus:

✅Online in MS Teams.   
✅Set to "Active"  in any MS Teams-based service .
✅In "On Duty" profile for Contact Center services.

This includes Busy/Selectable and Away/Selectable
"Non-Selectable" state, either because:       
User is not available either due to the MS Teams Presence ↑ OR …
set "inactive" for all Nimbus teams OR …
... any existing or previous Status Flag ↓ marks the user as “Not Selectable”
User Status flags

✅ User is currently reserved and blocked by a Nimbus task.


  Not Available Reason   
Requested from “Idle / Away” users during a task distribution.
User flag after not responding to a task, blocked for the next tasks.
User is reserved for new task, but has not accepted yet.
User has accepted and is now blocked by a task. 
User-extensible timespan to complete work after a call.


💡 It is important to note that these user state factors depend on each other. The table above should be read vertically from “top to bottom and back". 

Multiple factors can influence the User Status - and in extension - the Task distribution within Nimbus: MS Teams Presence, Service Settings, Active State OR Duty Profile selection

🔎 In the following we're explaining each factor and its related co-depencenies:

Factor 1: MS Teams Presence

This factor is considered by all Nimbus services. Every user in MS Teams can be considered for Nimbus when part of a service.

  • The MS Teams presence must meet the criteria of the Distribution Service Settings. This can be individually configured per service.
  • Offline users are not considered to be in any Duty State. Nimbus will not distribute tasks.
  • Online users are considered for Nimbus tasks depending on:
    • … the services they are part of and
    • … the Nimbus features (e.g. licenses, modalities settings for the user.)

🔎It is noteworthy that “MS Teams presence” marks only the first layer of consideration for Nimbus. When users participate in multiple services, each service can individually regard them as “selectable” or not. Learn more about this below.


Factors 2 & 3: In Nimbus Duty State / Task selectability

These are shared criteria among services. Task Selectability in Nimbus is steered based depending on the Types of Service the user participates in.

Advanced Routing and Enterprise Routing   Contact Center
MS-Teams "Team”-based services with a fixed pool of team members.  Nimbus standalone services with a dynamically assigned user base

Advanced Routing and Enterprise Routing consider users selectable once they are set “Active” in the Nimbus UI.

💡The Duty State is a Contact Center exclusive feature and not considered for these services.

Contact Center services replace the “Active” state with a Duty State as a conditional “is selectable” check

Evaluating that profile, Nimbus evaluates user responsibility and distributes calls conditionally based on Skills and Responsibilities. These criteria are defined in each service's Distribution Policy.

The entire “Online” and ”Active" pool of users with in an “MS Teams” Team is considered. Any “Online” Nimbus user can be considered depending on the factors above, regardless of “MS Teams” membership.

🔎When users participate in multiple services, each service can “flag” users with a blocking status as they handle tasks. Learn more about this below.


Factor 4: User Status (Flags) and Reporting

These are shared criteria among services. 

  • While “online” in Teams and “Active” and "On Duty" in Nimbus, a user is in principle “Selectable” for tasks by any service, in any modality, unless they are in a blocking status in Nimbus.
  • The “online” status in combination with “Busy” or “Away” in Teams may be reported as either “Selectable” or “Not selectable” state, depending on the configuration set under “Conversation Distribution” for the specific service.
  • Blocking status in Nimbus always takes precedence over any "Selectable" state; therefore, while being in any blocking status (e.g. Not Available, already busy when connected or in a task, in ACW or flagged by RONA), no new task will be distributed to the user.  ACW, Connected and Ringing are reported as dedicated states, all other blocking statuses are reported as “Not selectable”.
  • “Offline” in Teams or “Off Duty” in Nimbus are reported as dedicated user states. 

User State Reporting and Data Privacy

Each time a user changes from one status to another a user state, a record is completed and written into the database. Only completed states are tracked in the Nimbus Reporting, therefore the current user state (e.g. “as of now”) will not appear in the database until the user has switched to the next user status. 

Considering that a user status can change frequently throughout the working day, the User States data can become very large when looking at multiple dates. 

💡GDPR Data Privacy Setting: detailed user states data allows for time-based analysis of the states of each user, e.g. in Power BI. Tracking of this data must be explicitly enabled via Tenant Administration > Data Privacy in order to be recorded in the historic reporting.


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