Bulk Operation Overview

Whenever you save your changes during Bulk Edit, the bottom footer in the UI will show Details which can be clicked on.

Details are shown after saving your Bulk Editing changes.

A click opens the “Bulk Operation” window that reveals:

  • … the entities (Users, Services) that were modified.
  • … the property (e.g. License, Organization Unit) that was changed
  • … the value written on that property. 💡Note that this shows the new full value set, not a delta from the previous values.
  • … the result of that operation on the individual data entity. 💡More about this in the "Troubleshooting" section → below.
You can inspect changes made on each entry (1) individually. The changeset (2) can also be downloaded as a JSON file on the top right.

All bulk operations are summarized and listed in the Change History 


Example JSON Output

💡 Note that the entire (JSON) value set stored by Nimbus is shown here, including not only your changes, but also already enabled properties. An example showing all written values looks as follows - in this example for a User:

    "operationId": "ddb67970-ca48-411a-af5d-846185432309",
    "requesterName": "Ada Lovelace",
    "status": "Successful",
    "errorCount": 0,
    "timestamp": "11/08/2024, 9:30 AM",
    "users": [
            "id": "f319e87a-b982-43b0-a904-78e04e084552",
            "displayName": "Scientist Leonardo da Vinci",
            "properties": [
                    "propertyName": "Licenses",
                    "status": "Successful",
                    "value": "Contact Center, Interact, Attendant Console, Assistant, External Task, Audio/Video"


In any regular scenario, bulk-updating users should run and show as successful. If the operation fails for any reason (e.g. an operation timeout or contradicting operations by other admins), the Bulk Operation will show as partially successful when some data entities were updated or failed when no entities were updated at all.

In case of a Partially successful or Failed result you can inspect which users were not updated.

If your Bulk Operation fails repeatedly:

  • Retry the bulk operation with the failed users.
  • Check if single-editing those users is possible.

If workarounds are not effective even after repeated attempts, please download the JSON, take a screenshot of the operations window -  preferably with a visible timestamp of your failed operation - and get in touch with Luware for technical analysis.

INC Luware Support Address

 Luware Website https://luware.com/support/
Luware Helpdesk https://helpdesk.luware.cloud 
Cloud Service Status https://status.luware.cloud/
Luware support contact details

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