

TENANT ADMIN: Note that this Knowledge Base page will only cover a functionality description of the "Operations" UI. For help on technical or operation issues within your Nimbus instance, please get in touch with your Support partner.

PARTNER ADMINISTRATOR: If you are a partner administrator, please login to https://helpdesk.luware.cloud/ for in-depth technical questions and issue handling. This page does not contain technical troubleshooting or operation contents.

💡 GDPR Data Privacy: Tenant-wide settings (e.g. toggles via Data Privacy Tenant Settings) may limit access to customer data in the views below, showing you anonymized contents instead. Make sure to have session-identifying data at hand for analysis (e.g. Service called, Timestamps).


Service Operations

Service Operations

Service Operations

The Operations > Service view allows administrators to check on ongoing and historical sessions. Administrators can remove (stuck, hanging) tasks and download trace files for technical analysis. 

Service Operations - Showing example live tasks (to remove if stuck) on the left

The following elements are available:

Element Description

Contains a search / selection field for Tenant and Service.

💡 No tasks and interaction results are shown until both entries are selected.

Tasks Widget

Corresponds with the → Tasks List below. Shows conversation states, same as they are visible on the respective service's live Dashboard.

  • Connected (to a user
  • In Queue
  • In IVR
  • In IVR After Queue
  • Parked, Transferring
  • Dialing Out
  • Additional "invisible" states involve:
    • Establishing (a session)
    • In ACW (After Call Work) 
    • Terminated when the call is terminated on Reporting side, but the task was not cleaned up in TaskManager.
    • Blocked when the task was not cleaned up in TaskManager and it is not possible to find a related call.
    • Ringing when Outbound Service Call / Call On Behalf is ringing to a user.
Last Interaction

Highlights the last → History interaction and task resolution.

💡 Also persists when the History is currently filtered to another view.

Interactions Lists service session outcomes as described further in the Nimbus Reporting Model.
Last Updated

Refreshes the entire view.

💡 Applied filters in the → History will remain intact.

Tasks List

Shows current ongoing tasks of the Tenant and Service. Shows conversation states, same as they are visible on the respective service's live Dashboard.

  • This view will automatically refreshes as new tasks are coming in. 
  • By default this table is grouped by task state. "Invisible" states are grouped under "other". 
    → See Tasks Widget description above for a list of task states.


☝CAUTION: The "Remove Task" action can end any tasks in Nimbus (including ongoing productive ones). 

✅ Identify long-hanging tasks that have an unusual long “time in state” or show other user-reported irregularities.
✅ If technical issues and hanging tasks reoccur frequently, please actively get in touch with Luware support so the underlying issue can be addressed and analyzed on your Tenant.

INC Luware Support Address

 Luware Website https://luware.com/support/
Luware Helpdesk https://helpdesk.luware.cloud 
Cloud Service Status https://status.luware.cloud/
Luware support contact details

Table with the following columns:

  • Direction of the call (inbound, outbound)
  • Date & Time when the session started
  • Source: Caller Identifier
  • Queued if task was queued within selected service
  • First Accepted user who accepted the task for this service session
  • Opening Hours at the time of the task
  • Issues reported by the user (if any)
  • Result of the session as per Nimbus Reporting Model
  • Duration of the session
  • Actions (download Trace logs)

Tenant Admin: Use the download trace files option to get a JSON file attachment for support cases.

🔎 Filters can narrow down the results shown:

Learn more about Filtering…

INC Filtering

When your current Nimbus view offers filters:

  • Click the filter icon for a filter selection menu.
  • Click on a filter name to directly add it and start.
  • Click the toggles to show or hide a filter.

When filters are already active:

Unless “All” is shown as filter content, your results are filtered.

  • Click ✖ inside a filter to clear its contents.
  • The filter itself will remain available for use.
  • To hide a filter again, use the filter menu. 
    ⮑ Doing so will also clear the filter from your search results.

🔎Task Results are the same as used in the Nimbus Frontent Portal UI, e.g. Statistics.

Show Task Results Legend…

INC Task Result Legend

Voicemail Conversation was recorded by workflow as a voice message.
Hangup before Accept Customer hung up before Nimbus could answer the call
Hangup in IVR Customer hung up during announcements or IVR prompts before the call entered the queue
Hangup in Queue Customer hang up the call during the time the task was queued
Hangup in IVR after Queue Session left the waiting queue and then Customer hung up during the following announcements
Hangup by Workflow Workflow has performed the disconnect of a session
Accepted by User A Nimbus user has answered the call
Reachability SLA KPI metric, percentage of queued tasks handled by Nimbus users
Acceptance SLA KPI metric, percentage of tasks accepted in waiting queue within the defined SLA interval
Hangup SLA KPI metric, percentage of calls that the Customer hung up in waiting queue before the defined SLA interval had elapsed
Transferred by Workflow Workflow executed the transfer action
Transferred by User User executed the transfer action
Transfer failed Workflow or User tried to execute the transfer action but it didn't succeed
Destination Accepted Outbound Task / Calls on behalf: the callee (destination) has accepted the call
Destination Declined Outbound Task / Calls on behalf: the callee (destination) has declined the call
Destination Not Reached Outbound Task / Calls on behalf: the callee (destination) did not pick up in time
User aborted Outbound Task / Calls on behalf: Aborted by user during dialout
Lost In Queue Outbound Task only: When max queue time reached
Cancelled by External System External Task only: Task was cancelled via Dashboard widget or Power Automate
Marked as Handled by User Email only: Task was marked as handled by Nimbus user
Marked as Handled by Workflow Email only: Task was marked as handled by Nimbus workflow
Standby Duty Accepted The call was accepted by a number from the list of Standby Duty numbers.
Task Results Legend

🔎 Related concept: These results are part of the Nimbus Reporting Model > Static Dimensions > “Service / User Sessions Outcomes”.


Data Privacy Settings

GPDR - Note that via Data Privacy Tenant Settings the customer identifiers in this view can appear obfuscated / anonymized. You may need to use filters and other search criteria to identify a certain session.


Customer Operations

Customer Operations

Customer Operations

The Operations > Customer view allows administrators to export and anonymize data on a customer tenant. In order to list data, a source identifier (PSTN, Customer Name) needs to be known and specified via search.

Customer Operations - Showing an example historical sessions by a selected Source (Customer)

The following elements are available: 

Element Description

Contains a search / selection field for Tenant and Source.

💡No history results are shown until both entries are selected.

💡 The search field makes suggestions after the 3rd character entered:

  • Typing "ray" will find users like "Raymond" or "Dorain Gray"
  • Typing PSTN numbers like "4567" will show +412345678910
  • Results are shown 
Last Interaction

Highlights the last → History interaction and task resolution.

💡 Also persists when the History is currently filtered to another view.

Interactions Lists service session outcomes as described further in the Nimbus Reporting Model.

Table with the following columns:

  • Date&Time when the session started 💡 This is the default sorting order.
  • Source: Caller Identifier, PSTN or User Name.
  • Intial service name, as defined in General Service Settings
  • 1st Queued service which had a "Queue" workflow activity
  • Last connected user who was connected to the customer in a session.
  • Opening Hours at the time of the task
  • Issues reported by the user (if any)
  • Result of the session as per Nimbus Reporting Model
  • Duration of the session
  • Actions (Icons)

Tenant Admin: Use the download trace files option to get a JSON file attachment for support cases.

🔎 Filters can narrow down the results shown:

Learn more about Filtering…

INC Filtering

When your current Nimbus view offers filters:

  • Click the filter icon for a filter selection menu.
  • Click on a filter name to directly add it and start.
  • Click the toggles to show or hide a filter.

When filters are already active:

Unless “All” is shown as filter content, your results are filtered.

  • Click ✖ inside a filter to clear its contents.
  • The filter itself will remain available for use.
  • To hide a filter again, use the filter menu. 
    ⮑ Doing so will also clear the filter from your search results.

🔎Task Results are the same as used in the Nimbus Frontent Portal UI, e.g. Statistics.

Show Task Results Legend…

INC Task Result Legend

Voicemail Conversation was recorded by workflow as a voice message.
Hangup before Accept Customer hung up before Nimbus could answer the call
Hangup in IVR Customer hung up during announcements or IVR prompts before the call entered the queue
Hangup in Queue Customer hang up the call during the time the task was queued
Hangup in IVR after Queue Session left the waiting queue and then Customer hung up during the following announcements
Hangup by Workflow Workflow has performed the disconnect of a session
Accepted by User A Nimbus user has answered the call
Reachability SLA KPI metric, percentage of queued tasks handled by Nimbus users
Acceptance SLA KPI metric, percentage of tasks accepted in waiting queue within the defined SLA interval
Hangup SLA KPI metric, percentage of calls that the Customer hung up in waiting queue before the defined SLA interval had elapsed
Transferred by Workflow Workflow executed the transfer action
Transferred by User User executed the transfer action
Transfer failed Workflow or User tried to execute the transfer action but it didn't succeed
Destination Accepted Outbound Task / Calls on behalf: the callee (destination) has accepted the call
Destination Declined Outbound Task / Calls on behalf: the callee (destination) has declined the call
Destination Not Reached Outbound Task / Calls on behalf: the callee (destination) did not pick up in time
User aborted Outbound Task / Calls on behalf: Aborted by user during dialout
Lost In Queue Outbound Task only: When max queue time reached
Cancelled by External System External Task only: Task was cancelled via Dashboard widget or Power Automate
Marked as Handled by User Email only: Task was marked as handled by Nimbus user
Marked as Handled by Workflow Email only: Task was marked as handled by Nimbus workflow
Standby Duty Accepted The call was accepted by a number from the list of Standby Duty numbers.
Task Results Legend

🔎 Related concept: These results are part of the Nimbus Reporting Model > Static Dimensions > “Service / User Sessions Outcomes”.


Data Privacy Settings

GPDR - Note that via Data Privacy Tenant Settings the customer identifiers in this view can appear obfuscated / anonymized. You may need to use filters and other search criteria to identify a certain session.






Change History

Change History

Change History

The Operations > Change History view allows you to review who changed configuration entities in Nimbus as well as check the timestamp on changes, so you can retroactively review and contact users regarding those changes.

💡Access Precondition: Only System and Tenant Administrators for their tenant have access to the Change History. Access to the Change History may be enabled for Partner Administrators via Data Privacy Tenant Settings > “Allow Partner to access Change History" toggle. 


INC Change History Limitations


The “Change History” Feature is currently limited to tracking changes made within the Service Administration and User Administration, including changes to related License Management for Services and Users. We are planning to extend this feature to other data entities.


The following elements are available:

Element Description
Tenant Tenant selection field. 💡 Locked for single-tenant admins.
Last Updated

Refreshes the entire view and loads new records if any.

💡 Applied filters in the → History will remain intact.

Change History

Consists of the following columns:

  • Date & Time of the change (UTC time zone). 💡Bulk Editing changes will appear as single entries each.
  • Entity Type: The type of data that has been changed (e.g. Service, User).
  • Entity Name: Clear name, as (usually) specified in the “General” settings of the related entity.
  • Entity ID: Unique identifier for the entity.
  • Operation Type: Create, Update, Delete, Suspended, Resume1
  • Changed by: Person who made the change. 2
  • Open Details: Opens a popup with further information. 
    🔎 → Learn more below under “Change History Details”.


🔎 Filters can narrow down the results shown:

Learn more about Filtering…

INC Filtering

When your current Nimbus view offers filters:

  • Click the filter icon for a filter selection menu.
  • Click on a filter name to directly add it and start.
  • Click the toggles to show or hide a filter.

When filters are already active:

Unless “All” is shown as filter content, your results are filtered.

  • Click ✖ inside a filter to clear its contents.
  • The filter itself will remain available for use.
  • To hide a filter again, use the filter menu. 
    ⮑ Doing so will also clear the filter from your search results.

1Also see → Uninstalling Nimbus. MS-Teams based Services are not immediately deleted but have a grace period, during which they can be resumed by adding the “Nimbus” Tab back on the MS Teams Team.

2 GPDR - Note that the personal information of Luware System Administrators may appear obfuscated in this view. Partner- and Tenant Administrators will only see “System Administrator” in the “Changed by” field. User Details may also be obfuscated when Data Privacy Tenant Settings > “Allow Partner to see User Identifiers” is disabled.

If you have observed unaccounted-for change entries or questions on changes done by System Administrators, please contact Luware support. 

INC Luware Support Address

 Luware Website https://luware.com/support/
Luware Helpdesk https://helpdesk.luware.cloud 
Cloud Service Status https://status.luware.cloud/
Luware support contact details


Change History Details

When entries get updated or created, the change history details allow a closer inspection of the changed property values. You will see the following columns

  • Location: State the Tab and Section (if applicable) on the UI.
  • Property: Label Name of the Property.
  • New Value: New Value which has been set.
    • For assignments: Name of assigned Entity (e.g a Configuration elements reference or a User assigned to a Service).
    • For lists (incl. ordered lists): Comma separated list of Names in their new order.
  • 💡 If a value is unassigned, it is stated as “--removed”
Example “Update” on a “General” tab of a Service, showing the property and new value.



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