External Task Handling

How to handle incoming External tasks

Nimbus services handle External Tasks within their regular queue, e.g. the My Sessions view or Attendant Console . For example, a Nimbus user is notified that the customer requested a requirements discussion. Nimbus shows the task to create a meeting with the responsible subject matter experts to discuss details.

🔎 Alongside with these tasks, Nimbus can open Conversation Context URLs, or simply display System Fields and Parameters within My Sessions > Session details widget.

A user being notified of a pending External Task

As the user accepts the task, they can finalize the details or – if configured by the Service Settings – extend the available ACW (after call work) time for this task to finish related clean-up work (e.g. to conclude and mark the customer response in a CRM or ticket system).

External Time extension or Abort

Once the External Task is closed, the user becomes available for any other (external or internal) task.

External Tasks in other areas

Other areas to handle External Tasks involve Attendant Console.

External Task handled in Attendant Console
Personal Dashboards can showcase External Task within the "External Task Tabular"  widget. Via Dashboard Supervision users with the corresponding permissions can cancel the task.
External Tasks in the Dashboard - A task can be cancelled by Supervisors

Known Limitations

INC External Task Limitations


Flow "RequestID" limitation - When a new External Task (ET) is created via Power Automate Flow Action, the "RequestId" value will not be returned. This means that you can't create and update an ET within the same flow. → You need configure an additional flow – based on one of the Nimbus Trigger Events – and update the ET via "UpdateTask" action.




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