Provisioning Tenant Settings

In the Provisioning tab in Tenant Administration, you can configure the Service Provisioning default settings which apply when new Nimbus services are created.

Default OU for MS Teams creation

Sets the default Organization Unit (OU) for new services during their first provisioning.

🔍 Please Note:

  • During Service Provisioning users can still change the default to any provided "sub" level OU during installation. The OU can also be changed later in General Service Settings of that service. 
  • When the OU gets deleted, the OU default selection is moved one level higher (up to root). 
  • If either user or service are completely new in Nimbus – or the OU cannot be selected for other reasons – both the user and service are placed in a "Default Organization Unit for Microsoft Teams-based teams". Both can be moved to other Organization Units via the User Administration and Service Administration respectively.
Allow service provisioning via MS Teams

Set the minimum roles required to Provision a new Nimbus team directly from the MS-Teams UI.

Settings are: 

  • Everyone (default)
  • Tenant & Organization Unit Administrators
  • Tenant Administrators
  • No one → provisioning disabled on MS Teams side

💡 This setting does not prevent users from installing the Nimbus Personal App.

🔍 Non MS-Teams synched Service types can still be provisioned via the backend by any administrator, regardless of the setting made here.

Users without the permission to Provision new services may still remove the Nimbus tab from MS Teams (as Nimbus cannot impact or restrict the default MS Teams interface). However, they can not trigger a removal of the service itself and its data and the Nimbus tab can be re-added.

Default Team Owner Role

The default role assigned to a new user when a new Nimbus team is provisioned directly from the MS-Teams UI. Options are: 

  • Team Owner (Default) with full team settings and configuration rights.
  • Team Owner Limited (a Nimbus specific role with a reduced set of User Roles).

💡 Existing services are not affected by this change and changing this setting will only affect future services provisioned via MS Teams

Enable Multihoming

 💡This field is read-only as Multihoming must be set up for your Tenant by a System Administrator and in cooperation with Luware Customer Success. This feature is meant for large Tenants with users working from different locations.

For Tenant Administrators: Enabling Multihoming on multiple clusters has clear benefits, but also underlies strict technical limitations. Before deciding to roll out this feature:


Provisioning API

Enable Provisioning API

💡Tenant Administrators:  You only have read access to this toggle.

✅ Luware System Administrator required 

The Provisioning API can only be enabled by a Luware System Administrator. Please get in touch with Luware Customer Success to discuss terms and conditions of using the Nimbus API.


Application Permissions

✅Precondition: Once the "Nimbus API" is enabled (via Provisioning Tenant Settings), you can head to our Nimbus API documentation and follow the steps described therein.

Permissions are set up using the Application ID from your App registration. Read the Nimbus API documentation for more details.

💡Good to know: When the “Enable API” toggle is deactivated, the Application Permission box will not be visible to you. However, pre-existing configurations will remain, allowing for easy re-activation of the API at a later point without having to re-asses the configuration.


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