Reporting Roles

Detail permissions for the Nimbus Power BI Report.


🔎Roles described in the table below have access to Historical Sessions summarized in a Nimbus Power BI Report Template. 

✅ When Setting Up Power BI and connecting to the OData Feed (e.g. via the Report Template or other means), any of the user roles below are required. The Organization Unit of the connecting user account determines, which service and user data will become available in the data query.

Historical Session & User Data(2) User Supervisor Service Supervisor Team / Service Owner Team Owner Limited
Service Sessions   R R R
User Sessions   R R R
User States  R      
Service Session Aggregates(1)   R R R
User Session Aggregates(1)   R R R

(1) Refer to Data Aggregation.  
(2) All data is built from the Nimbus Reporting Model.

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