27-02-2025 |
1.107 |
UserSessions: updated descriptions for RingTime and ConnectedTime in the Nimbus template to match the KB descriptions.
Model metadata: all query tables visible in the data panel in the Nimbus Power BI template now have a description helping the user understand the information they contain.
Function "ToLocalDateTimeZone" updated in the back-end of the Power BI template so that European and US Summer Time is now automatically calculated for past and future dates.
20-01-2025 |
1.105 |
Tags and Codes: restructured Tags and Codes pages. There are now two pages for reporting tags and codes in the report:
Tags-Codes 1st User: tags and codes added by the first accepting user
Tags-Codes All Users: tags and codes added by any user (note: data logged by user session starting from October 2024).
For additional details in relation to these two pages please refer to Nimbus Power BI Template.
Power BI model: updated the model so that when setting up Row Level Security (RLS) all applicable data is shown instead of only the data for sessions with tags.
User Session Details page: columns "Last Transfer Destination" and "Last Transfer Type" are now populated correctly also for transferred consultation calls. Note that these columns will only be populated for user sessions where the final outcome relates to a transfer. In all other cases these columns will remain blank.
02-12-2024 |
1.103 |
Transfers page: Transfer Type column is now populated also for consultation transfers.
User States page: the organization unit filter is now filtering the user states correctly based on the selected user OU.
Transform data: various queries optimized.
25-10-2024 |
1.101 |
User States page: users are now able to drill down all the way to actual start and end times for each given user state in the details tile
Model metadata: Nimbus KPI descriptions are now directly visible in the Nimbus Power BI template. Users can hover over a KPI in the data panel and read the description directly within the template. For this iteration, descriptions have been added to ServiceSessions, UserSessions and TransferSessions KPIs.
30-09-2024 |
1.100 |
- Major refactoring and optimization of the Unified Sessions query.
- The Unified Sessions page now features Incoming Service, First Queued Service, and Last Queued Service instead of the Customer Path. These new data objects allow the user to filter and group data more effectively when multiple services are included in a single Unified Session.
Temporary known limitation Resolved
- All historical data in the UnifiedSessions OData Feed entity is up to date for all clusters.
- No action required by end-users.
09-09-2024 |
1.99 |
Session Details and User Session Details pages: fixed filter that caused latest sessions from randomly not being shown. These pages are now restricted to show top 1000 sessions based on latest StartedAt.
- Resolved "System Error, type mismatch" when refreshing report in Power BI Services (online) after switching UserStates parameter from false to true.
07-08-2024 |
1.97 |
User States page: dates and timings are now taking into consideration and being converted to local time as per time zone selected in parameters.
Sorting for date objects: day of the week in Service Overview and User Overview pages are now sorting chronologically instead of alphabetically.
Fixed15Min column in ServiceSessions and UserSessions tables is now set to type time and will sorts chronologically.
15-07-2024 |
1.96 |
With this release, we are delighted to announce the latest major update to the Nimbus Power BI template which enables users to set up and take advantage of the powerful functionality in Power BI known as Incremental Refresh.
We have updated the queries in the template so that this functionality can be exploited if required.
Note that the template parameters no longer offer the option to select “x number of days”: if you need to refresh the template regularly for x number of days, please set up the Incremental Refresh functionality as explained under in PBI Incremental Refresh.
- Nimbus template enabled for Incremental Refresh. Users are now able to take advantage of this Power BI in-built functionality if they wish to regularly refresh the report for a given period of time (replaces the old parameter “x number of days”).
- Transfers page updates:
- Destination column updated to show Destination name if available, or Destination UPN if name not available, if neither available, a null value is shown.
- New column called "Destination UPN or USPN" showing transfer destination PSTN number or UPN as applicable.
- Various query optimizations to improve performance.
- TotalTime measure calculation updated in the template to exclude HoldTime since this is already included in TotalConnectedTime which is used in the underlying logic of TotalTime.
- Unified Sessions page: the date slicer is now filtering dates as expected.
Temporary limitation:
- In this version of the template we have temporarily removed the caller column from the Unified Sessions details of the report. This will be brought back into the template in a more performant way as soon as possible in an upcoming release.
It is still possible to filter unified sessions by caller, using the slicer on the top of the page.
24-06-2024 |
1.95 |
- Fixed a filter problem in Unified Sessions page. When selecting a new date range or dragging the slider in the date slicer, the page is now updated to select the relevant date range.
13-05-2024 |
1.93 |
- Code optimizations for the template's fact tables to improve performance.
- Fixed sorting issue with DayOfMonth date dimension which is used in the Sessions Overview tile “Session Volume by date and Hour, % Handled Rate”. When drilling down to the day of month, the data is now sorted in chronological order.
25-03-2024 |
1.91 |
- Time Zones: updated logic to take into consideration different switching for Day Time Savings in the US.
- 8x new measures for After Call Work Extended (AWC Extended) available for creating your own visuals:
ServiceSessions: ØAverageAcwExtendedTimeS, ΣTotalAcwExtendedTime, ΣTotalAcwExtendedTime_HHMMSS, ØAverageAcwExtendedTime_HHMMSS
UserSessions: ØAcwExtendedTimeS, ΣAcwExtendedTime, ØAcwExtendedTime_HHMMSS, ΣAcwExtendedTime_HHMMSS
Description of the new measures available in the Nimbus Reporting Model page and in the template (hovering with the mouse on the measure).
- Fixed an issue where not all Organization Units a User Supervisor has access to were provided via OData and visible in PowerBI so that they can be used as filters.
- Removed obsolete Service filter from the Unified Sessions page.
26-02-2024 |
1.90 |
- Caller Overview page: added column with Opening Hours
- Modality filter added to the following template pages: Service Overview, User Overview, Session Details, Tags-Codes.
- Caller Overview: the page is by default filtered for modality = Voice.
- Resolved issue with ServiceSessionTags table which prevented new tags to be shown in the template following subsequent data loads.
06-02-2024 |
1.89.1 |
Alignment of the Nimbus Power BI Template with the Historic Reporting features made available with 1.89 Latest Release Notes
- New Opening Hours filter and Opening Hours Types dimension table available for selection in Power BI template. (Ref. NIMB-I-116).
- IsShortConversation flag available in the Service Sessions fact table. Description available in KB Nimbus Reporting Model and in the template metadata. This object can be added to the visuals or filters as needed.
- "Or From date/To Date" parameter now correctly selecting the expected date ranges.
- Re-introduced missing date hierarchies.
03-11-2023 |
1.84 v5 |
- Optimized TransferSessions query
- Resolved intermittent error on TransferSessions table when retrieving large datasets: “ServiceSessionIdFrom in Table ‘ServiceSessions’ contains duplicate value xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx and this is not allowed for columns on the one side of many-to-one-relationship or for columns that are used as primary key of a table."
04-10-2023 |
1.84 |
- Added transfers report page
- Expanded time zones selection in parameters (Ref. NIMB-I-238). The list is taken from the Windows database. Please note that the current solution switches the daylight savings on/off based on European daylight savings timelines.