Template Actions

Each template type can consist of one or multiple data handling actions (HTTP Requests with header and body) which get executed in order.

Web Request action


Item Description
Name  Name of the action (as shown in listings)
Trigger ID Randomly generated ID, not changeable.
HTTP Method

The HTTP request method (GET, POST, POST-multipart/form-data, PUT, DELETE, PATCH)

💡 Only available when "Open in default browser is not selected".

Open in Default Browser

Opens the "URL" specified in your default browser as a tab. 

💡 Will ignore the HTTP Method setting and disable tabs accordingly.

URL (required)

URL to call or open depending on the options chosen above. 

🔍 Allows to include Custom Parameters as well as System Fields and Parameters as part of the URL.

BodyRequest (bodyForm)

✅ Enabled when HTTP Method "POST-multipart/form-data" is selected.

🔍 Allows to include Custom Parameters as well as System Fields and Parameters as part of the URL.



Key / Value header pairs for your request (specified in the "General" Tab).

Header Description
Key e.g. "Service UPN"
Value e.g. "$(Service.Upn)"

You can add Parameters and Context / System Fields to be part of this request header.



Authentication details sent alongside with your request.

Item Description
  • None
  • Basic
  • Scopes
  • Use Agent Token
Username / Password For basic authentication
Scopes 🔍 Uses -Scopes: See official microsoft documentation: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/active-directory/roles/assign-roles-different-scopes
Use Agent Token 🔍 Use Agent Token: Allows to query Graph API with the token acquired for Nimbus Assistant, based on the Required App Permissions for the Assistant app (delegated permissions). Refer to our Use Case - Retrieving Microsoft Entra ID fields via Agent token for a usage example.


Item Description
Wait  for response Waits for a response from the web request.
Wait Timeout


Timeout to wait before the next action trigger starts.


Application action


Item Description
Name  Name of the action (as shown in listings)
Trigger ID Randomly generated ID, not changeable.
Path (required) URL to local script, batch file or application. ☝ UNC network paths are not supported.
Parameters 🔍 Allows to include Custom Parameters as well as System Fields and Parameters to be passed to the app specified in the path.


Item Description
Wait for response Waits for a response from the application
Wait Timeout


Timeout to wait before the next action trigger starts.


💡 Note that either action can be sorted in their order of execution via the handles. However, certain requests may create dependencies on each other which will cause a warning.


The following parameters are supported within any action template:

Parameter Value Body URL Header Service Call Templates Direct Call Templates
Caller Display Name  $(Caller.DisplayName)

Supports these parameters the following action types:

  • Web Request action
  • Application action

Additionally you can add and mix your own custom Parameters and Context / System Fields into your request.

The parameters also work in Attendant - Service Transfer and Workflow-transfer scenarios. In these cases, the "Caller" name persists but the target "User." type parameters get updated.

🔍 Refer to Use Case - Chaining of Assistant requests for a hands-on example.

Supports these parameters the following action types:

  • Web Request action
  • Application action
Caller Id  $(Caller.Id)
Caller Tel Number  $(Caller.TelNumber)
Random Guid  $(Random.Guid)
User Display Name  $(User.DisplayName)
User Email  $(User.Email)
User Id  $(User.Id)
User Upn $(User.Upn)
Service UPN $(Service.Upn)

💡 NoteCaller refers to the customer side, User is the Agent/Member of the service.


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