Use Case - Distinguishing External from Internal Calls

Build a workflow with regular expressions to identify the origin of the incoming call.

In this use case we build a workflow in which we work with regular expressions to identify the incoming call origin.

  • We want to distinguish incoming external calls from incoming internal calls so that we can route to different teams accordingly
  • This can be combined with a priority scenario, where we priorize external calls over interal calls


  • You require service owner rights to create the workflow.

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How to identify the call origin

In Nimbus we can make use of a powerful workflow activity called "Check Parameter". The activity has access to system internal context fields and parameters as well as user-customizable parameters that can be filled during the lifetime of a call using Power Automate flows. 

For this use case it is sufficient to validate system parameters. Here is a table of what values to expect during different call origins, in this example assuming that our company's tenant domain is "" and our company's main phone number is +41 58 404 28 00 , whilst direct numbers of our employees are i.e. +41 58 404 28 44 or +41 58 404 28 12

 Call Origin Value Check Parameter Activity
Calling from MicrosoftCallId CallerId CallerUPN Validation On Parameter Regular Expression
Internal PSTN +41584042844 NULL NULL MicrosoftCallerId ^\+415840428\d{1,2}$
External PSTN +37553452843 NULL NULL MicrosoftCallerId



This matches all PSTN E.163 numbers. We do not exclude internal number here.

Internal UPN f36ef92c-4dad-454e-9d86-bcd334ac864e f36ef92c-4dad-454e-9d86-bcd334ac864e CallerUPN ^[^@]$
External UPN 1c127f30-0740-4d50-bab1-1ed51d359e06 1c127f30-0740-4d50-bab1-1ed51d359e06 CallerUPN


This matches all UPN's. We do not exclude internal UPN's here.

Anonymous Anonymous NULL NULL MicrosoftCallerId ^Anonymous$

With this schema in mind we can create our workflow.

Creating the workflow

Now we can start building the Workflow. 💡 In our example below we focus on the validation. Once you know the origin of the call, you can freely choose the following actions after that

Overview of the workflow...


The first part of the flow validates the incoming call against a PSTN regular expression.

Add a Check Parameter activity to the workflow and set it up as follows:


  • Check 1: IsInternalNumber - Regex (example, adjust to your needs): ^\+415840428\d{1,2}$
  • Check 2: IsExternalNumber - Regex: ^\+[1-9]\d{1,14}$

Note that in the activity we want to validate from specific (internal) to less specific (external).

This means the order of the "Checks" matters, as the first successful match determines the exit taken in the activity



Next we want to route the outcomes "IsInternalPSTN" and "IsExternalPSTN" to the specific services accordingly.

If you want to handle anonymous calls in a special case, you can add the check-case like this:

  • Check 3: IsAnonymous - Regex: ^Anonymous$


Finally, we want to route the outcomes "No Match" or "Not set" to the next Check Parameter activity which validates the incoming call against a UPN regular expression.

  • Add a "Check Parameter" activity to the workflow and set up the following

Again, keep in mind to validate from specific to less specif ic.

  • We want to route the outcomes " IsInternalUPN " and " IsExternalUPN " to the specific services accordingly.
  • We want to route the outcomes "No Match" or "Not set" to a fallback service that could handle all other cases, including anonymous calls.

Test your workflow

  1. Assign the workflow to your service via the Modalities Service Settings.
  2. Call the service both internally via Teams (UPN) and externally (PSTN) to test the validation.
  3. To test the anonymous case, you can use your private mobile number and enable the number suppression mode of your mobile network provider. (For instance, call to +41432169346 *31# will suppress your number if you are calling with swisscom.)

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