Check Activities

This page lists all Workflow activities that checking on an existing service status, e.g. by service queue availability or Opening Hours, queue position, or based on a previously stored Parameter values. 

💡Note that activities below are listed in alphabetical order, which is not necessarily the order of their intended use.


Availability-based Routing

Availability-based Routing

Availability-based Routing


Allows to route the call based on overall service availability, considering the User States of all available users.

Required Predecessor None - can work even without accepting a call (e.g. to Transfer to Service, Accept Conversation or Disconnect Conversation immediately)
Advanced Routing Enterprise Routing  Contact Center
Modalities Audio / Video Instant Messaging Email External Task

Common Properties

Configurable Properties Description

Allows to select the target Service (within your tenant) for which the availability check and routing is performed for.

💡 Leaving this at "Current Service" will dynamically check the status of the service currently using this workflow. This allows for multiple services to use the same workflow with an "Availability based Routing" step without having to adapt the step's properties individually to their needs. 

💡 You can use this workflow step multiple times within the same workflow check different services simultaneously, e.g. to achieve an availability-based escalation and routing routine.

Example: using "Current Service" setting on shared workflows
Error: 404
Current Availability                  
(Node Exits)

The activity has 3 exits based on the current overall team status (look-ahead). The availability depends on the User assignment type of your Service.

🤔 How can I determin the type of service I'm in? Team owners can access Distribution Service Settings and inspect the "User Assignment Type". Note that this type is determined during Service Provisioning and cannot be changed.

Service Availability (Exit condition) MS Teams-based Service Skill-based Service
No One Available All users are inactive – or active but set "offline" in MS Teams) No users online or available within the service's Distribution Policy levels.
In Time Available All active users are not immediately available e.g. "DND/Away/Busy" or when occupied by another call. No users in the 1st Distribution Policy level are not available, but in any other levels users are available.
Direct Available At least 1 user is available MS Teams presence set "available" and also set to "active" in Nimbus). At least one in the 1st Distribution Policy is available and ready to take a task.
🔍 Notes
  • The "Active" state toggle in a team can make users unavailable regardless of MS Teams presence.                  
  • Additionally, MS Teams Presence also impacts the service availabiltiy. See note below.
  • The Duty States toggle for each user determines a user's currently applicable Responsibility Profile considered for skill based distribution.                  
  • Additionally, MS Teams Presence also impacts the service availabiltiy. See note below.


You can adjust Distribution Service Settings to include / exclude users from the availability count, based on their MS Teams presence state.




Audio / Video

INC WF Properties remark

No specific behaviors for this modality. “Common Properties” apply.


Instant Messaging

INC WF Properties remark

No specific behaviors for this modality. “Common Properties” apply.



INC WF Properties remark

No specific behaviors for this modality. “Common Properties” apply.


External Task

INC WF Properties remark

No specific behaviors for this modality. “Common Properties” apply.


Check Opening Hours

Check Opening Hours

Check Opening Hours

Description Performs a check on the current Opening Hours calendar applied to the service and exits accordingly.
Required Predecessor None - can work even without accepting a call (e.g. to Transfer to Service, Accept Conversation or Disconnect Conversation immediately)
Advanced Routing Enterprise Routing  Contact Center
Modalities Audio / Video Instant Messaging Email External Task

Common Properties

Configurable Properties Description


Will exit based on currently active Opening Hour rule currently in effect for your General Service Settings.

  • Exits match the period types of opening hours (open, closed, holiday, special 1-4), allowing you to branch out your workflow accordingly.
  • If no opening hours are defined the "default" exit on this activity is taken.

🔍 Notes on Opening Hours:

  • If no opening hours calendar is defined in your General Service Settings, the "Default" exit in your activity is taken.
  • Once created, an Opening Hour calendar must have a default opening state (e.g. "Closed") assigned. 
  • If both primary and secondary opening hours are defined in your General Service Settings, precedence rules apply:
 Click here to learn more...

☝ General recommendation: The safe bet is to handle all exits on your workflow activity, as you you may lose tasks otherwise.

Ensure to handle all cases in your activity 

Audio / Video

INC WF Properties remark

No specific behaviors for this modality. “Common Properties” apply.


Instant Messaging

INC WF Properties remark

No specific behaviors for this modality. “Common Properties” apply.



INC WF Properties remark

No specific behaviors for this modality. “Common Properties” apply.


External Task

INC WF Properties remark

No specific behaviors for this modality. “Common Properties” apply.


Check Parameter

Check Parameter

Check Parameter

Description Allows to check and react on system Fields and custom Parameters.
Required Predecessor None - responds to parameters updated during Trigger Events.
Advanced Routing Enterprise Routing  Contact Center
Modalities Audio / Video Instant Messaging Email External Task

Common Properties

Configurable Properties Description
Parameter Type

Offers a choice between:

Custom Type

🔍 Dependent on the "parameter type" selected:

  • A list of Nimbus Fields and Parameters
  • Custom Parameter of the following type:
    • Context--> $(CustomContextParameters.<Name>)
    • Customer Field --> $(Customer.CustomFields.<Name>)
    • Customer Telephone --> Numbers $(Customer.TelNumbers.<Name>)

✅ Only shown when "parameter type" = Custom is selected. 

Allows you to define the a name used for the parameter. This name must match the dynamic value when using the Nimbus Microsoft Power Automate Connector.              
💡 Note that the parameter name depends on your "Custom Type" choice above, e.g. $(Customer.CustomFields.YourExampleName)

Checks (Regex Validation)

Allows to define one or many Regular Expressions checks on the "parameter type / name" chosen above.

☝ Checks will be performed in your defined order. The first valid check will determine the activity exit. Any further matching expressions are ignored.

Regular Expressions cannot be empty. By default ".*" will allow anything as a parameter content = Parameter is present.

No Match

Taken when none of the provided Regular Expressions matches.

Not Set

Taken when either criteria applies:

  • Parameter value is "null", empty or the parameter does not exist.
  • Also takes this exit if the activity is turned off.
Check 1.....n

Check if the value of the parameter matches one of the Regex validations. 

💡 By default 1 "Check 1" exit is defined and required. Up to 10 can be defined each with individual node exits. 


The following criteria applies:

  • Reading direction of Checks 1…n from “left to right”.
  • Exits the on the first successful validation node.

💡Tip: If you need to handle more parameters, You can also chain several "Check Parameter" activities.


Audio / Video

INC WF Properties remark

No specific behaviors for this modality. “Common Properties” apply.


Instant Messaging

INC WF Properties remark

No specific behaviors for this modality. “Common Properties” apply.



INC WF Properties remark

No specific behaviors for this modality. “Common Properties” apply.


External Task

INC WF Properties remark

No specific behaviors for this modality. “Common Properties” apply.


Get Available Users

Get Available Users

Get Available Users

Description Performs a lookahead-check on the users / Agents available in a Nimbus service and stores the value in a Parameter.
Required Predecessor None
Advanced Routing Enterprise Routing  Contact Center
Modalities Audio / Video Instant Messaging Email External Task

Common Properties

Configurable Properties Description

Can either be the "Current Service" – e.g. in workflows used by multiple services – or a specific service.

Custom Parameter

✅ Requires at least one Parameter to be defined and available as selectable "placeholder" under the same Organization Unit (or higher up to Tenant level).

🔍 This activity stores output into a custom Parameter for processing, which can then be used within the same workflow (e.g. a " Check Parameter " activity). Note that the parameter's default value is being overwritten once it passes through this activity.

Once this activity is reached, it checks the number of available users of the specified Service:

  •  For MS Teams team-based Services all available team members are considered.
  • For Contact Center Services only available users in thefirst Distribution Policy level are taken into consideration.

→ For more information, read our pages on Service Type and the according User assignment method.


Audio / Video

INC WF Properties remark

No specific behaviors for this modality. “Common Properties” apply.


Instant Messaging

INC WF Properties remark

No specific behaviors for this modality. “Common Properties” apply.



INC WF Properties remark

No specific behaviors for this modality. “Common Properties” apply.


External Task

INC WF Properties remark

No specific behaviors for this modality. “Common Properties” apply.


Get Queue Position

Get Queue Position

Get Queue Position

Description Performs a lookahead-check on the (potential) queue position in a Nimbus service and stores the value in a Parameter.
Required Predecessor None - responds to parameters updated during Trigger Events.
Advanced Routing Enterprise Routing  Contact Center
Modalities Audio / Video Instant Messaging Email External Task

Common Properties

Configurable Properties Description

Can either be the "Current Service" for workflows commonly used by multiple services or a specific service.

Custom Parameter

✅ Requires at least one Parameter to be defined and available as selectable "placeholder" under the same Organization Unit (or higher up to Tenant level).

🔍 This activity stores output into a custom Parameter for processing, which can then be used within the same workflow (e.g. a " Check Parameter " activity). Note that the parameter's default value is being overwritten once it passes through this activity.

Once this activity is reached, it checks the number of available users of the specified Service

  •  If the call was already added in queue (-→ "Queue Task" activity) the current position is saved into the parameter.
  • If call was not added, the queue length +1 of the selected "Service" is saved into the parameter.

💡 By default this activity does not create a "visible" outcome. We recommend to follow up with a "Check Parameter" activity and route your customers according to the queue position value (e.g. add further announcement, voicemail, play music activities).


Audio / Video

INC WF Properties remark

No specific behaviors for this modality. “Common Properties” apply.


Instant Messaging

INC WF Properties remark

No specific behaviors for this modality. “Common Properties” apply.



INC WF Properties remark

No specific behaviors for this modality. “Common Properties” apply.


External Task

INC WF Properties remark

No specific behaviors for this modality. “Common Properties” apply.


Wait for Parameter

Wait for Parameter

Wait for Parameter

Description Adds a wait time to the workflow to allow external systems to update a previously defined Parameters.
Required Predecessor None
Advanced Routing Enterprise Routing  Contact Center
Modalities Audio / Video Instant Messaging Email External Task

Common Properties

✅ Condition: The Nimbus Power Automate Connector "Update Task" Flow Action needs to be involved for this activity to detect parameter changes. 

Upon entering the activity, a comparison against the default value of the Parameter is made:

  • When the Parameter already differs from the default or gets updated anywhere within the specified "Max Waiting Time" - the "Updated" exit is taken.
  • When the "Max Waiting time" is reached, the "Timeout Reached" exit is taken, regardless of any (later) parameter updates.
  • When the activity is disabled the "Max Wait time" will be ignored and the "Timeout Reached" exit is taken immediately upon reaching this activity.

☝ Note: Any change is considered as an update - without validation. A follow-up "Check Parameter" activity is therefore strongly recommended to validate the output with Regular Expressions.

Configurable Properties Description
Parameter Type

Currently locked to previously "Custom Parameters". To be defined and available as selectable "Custom Type" parameter.

Custom Type

🔍 Dependent on the "parameter type" selected:

  • A list of Nimbus Fields and Parameters
  • Custom Parameter of the following type:
    • Context--> $(CustomContextParameters.<Name>)
    • Customer Field --> $(Customer.CustomFields.<Name>)
    • Customer Telephone --> Numbers $(Customer.TelNumbers.<Name>)

✅ Only shown when "parameter type" = Custom is selected. 

Allows you to define the a name used for the parameter. This name must match the dynamic value when using the Nimbus Power Automate Connector.
💡 Note that the parameter name depends on your "Custom Type" choice above, e.g. $(Customer.CustomFields.YourExampleName

Max Waiting Time
  • Default: 5 seconds
  • Max: 1 mins
  • Min: 1 sec

 💡When "Max Wait time" is reached (or this activity is disabled), the "Timeout Reached" exit is taken.

Play Announcement (optional)

Plays an announcement during the wait time. Default: disabled

  • TTS / resource
  • preview of music
Announcement Type
  • Text-to-Speech (with Language Select & Text Field)
  • Audio Resources.

✅  Audio resources can be added via Configuration > Resources 

Add Parameters            
( Toggle )

Will allow the use of Custom Parameters and System Fields and Parameters in the "Prompt Text" Field. 


 💡 Note that with this option enabled the will "Preplay" feature is disabled as parameters are dynamically resolved during a call.

Prompt Language Allows to select the locale / voice to use when using the Text-to-Speech engine.
Prompt Text

✅   Only shown when Announcement Type = Text to Speech is selected. 

  • Allows you to add text to the box that will be read in the prompt language / locale.
  • The announcement can be a mixture of text and Custom Parameters and System Fields and Parameters.
  • Announcements will be generated on-the-fly and cached if continuously re-used.

Audio / Video

INC WF Properties remark

No specific behaviors for this modality. “Common Properties” apply.


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