🔎New to workflows? Read the following! The following page will list all workflow activities and their configurable properties. Please note:...
December 6th, 2023 4126 views 0 likes
Nimbus has a built-in editor for which allows you to customize your caller Workflows with various building blocks called Workflow Activities....
December 6th, 2023 1466 views 0 likes
☝ The workflow editor is a very powerful tool, but also allows for misconfigurations and lost calls. Listed below are...
November 29th, 2023 1312 views 0 likes
In this use case, we're going to create an example workflow with the following learning goals: Learn basic rules on...
December 4th, 2023 1948 views 0 likes
In this use case we build a workflow in which we work with regular expressions to identify the incoming call...
December 4th, 2023 1326 views 0 likes