💡 Compared to the regular Personal Dashboards the Non-Personal Dashboard variant can be managed configured by administrators via the Organization Unit assignment.
Contact Center Please note that only Contact Center licensed users can access the Dashboards feature. As Admin you may create as many Non-Personal Dashboards as needed.
INC Dashboard Widget Data Size Limitations
To keep the performance on Dashboards manageable, query limits of 200 users / 200 services each apply on filtering (e.g. when selecting very large Organization Units). This limit applies summed-up across all widgets on the same Dashboard.
💡A warning and counters will be shown when this limit is exceeded and data will not be queried.
💡(Existing) Dashboards that break this limit will not be adjusted retroactively, but also show the warning instead of the actual data query.
Non-Personal Dashboards are managed only by administrators. This is done via Administration > Configuration > Non-Personal Dashboards. The configuration steps are described below on this page. |
User Accounts (Service Owners, Supervisors, Agents) can view Non-Personal Dashboards, but not edit them. 💡 In the Personal Dashboards overview the different types are distinguished by icons for Personal Dashboards 💡 Note that Organization Unit affiliation determines if the Non-Personal Dashboard is visible. |
Creating a Non-Personal Dashboard
The creation of new Non-Personal Dashboard is very similar to that of Personal Dashboards, however with additional steps for publishing.
Defining the Dashboard details
This step is nearly identical to Personal Dashboards:
- Head to Configuration > Dashboard > Non-Personal Dashboards and click "Create New".
Provide the dashboard details (Name, Description, Organization Unit, Color, Picture) in the popup.
💡 You can change these details later if needed. - After creation you can now see your Dashboard in the list. You can now start to edit its properties.
- Make adjustments to properties and widgets. Note that these are configured like on personal Personal Dashboards.
Show list of widgets available per user...
Contact Center Portal User Roles with access ► |
USER | ||||
Widget Type | Name | Description | User | Service | Owner | Owner Limited | Agent |
Service Widgets |
Service KPI Tile | Shows a single service KPI for the selected services. | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | |
Service KPI Tabular | Shows Service KPI's per Service in a tabular view. | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ||
Service KPI Chart | Shows a single historical service KPI value of today for the selected services with comparative trend and graphical look back. | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ||
Service KPI Comparison Chart | Shows Service KPI's in a chart per Service for comparison. | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ||
Service KPI Graph | Shows Service KPI's aggregated for one or more services over time. | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ||
Service Queue Tabular | Shows the current tasks in queue for multiple services. | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ||
Live Service Tasks Tabular | Shows the current live inbound tasks for multiple services. | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ||
Service Outbound Tasks Tabular | Shows the current Outbound Call tasks for multiple services. | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ||
Service External Tasks Tabular | Shows a heatmap with task resolution information with historical data ranging back up to 4 weeks. | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ||
Service Heatmap | Shows the a Heatfor multiple services. | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ||
Service Supervision | Shows the current tasks for multiple services to supervise → See Dashboard Supervision | 🔍 | |||||
User Widgets | User State Tabular | Shows the current user states in a tabular view. | ✅ | ||||
User State Chart | Shows the current user states in a chart view. | ✅ | |||||
User Supervisor Tabular | Allows supervisors to administrate users. → See Dashboard Supervision | ✅ | |||||
User Tile | Shows a count of users matching your filter criteria. | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ |
✅ | |
Common Widgets | Markdown | Allows you to display formatted text and pictures on your dashboard through markdown syntax. | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ |
Date & Time | Shows the current Date and/or Time. | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | |
Embedded Website | Allows you to present external content/websites on your dashboard. | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ | ✅ |
- Contact Center Users need to be Contact Center licensed to view either personal Dashboards or non-personal Dashboards. The license is applied via User Administration.
- Please note that Dashboards and data shown in widgets underlies User Permission and Organization Unit restrictions:
- Widgets in Dashboards show data according to the logged in user.
- KPI and Task data is shown limited to the services the user is a part of.
- Dashboard filter adjustments are allowed only by reading "up the path" according to Organization Unit rules.
🔍 Service Supervisors which also act as Agents cannot engage in Supervision sessions while they have a call ongoing.
Show configurable widget properties...
Properties, Filters and Settings listed below apply for Dashboard Widgets in either Personal Dashboards and Non-Personal Dashboards.
Property | Related Dashboard Widgets | Description / Usage | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Avatar |
Picture of the user as defined in the Tenant's user directory. Also shows the → Presence State as a small colored dot. | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Background Color |
A choice of background colors. 💡 The font color inverts automatically increase contrast on bright colors. |
Columns |
Determines which columns get shown in a tabular widget. 💡 To reorder, drag and drop the entries During Edit Mode you can do the following:
![]() |
Content |
Uses → Markdown language to show content of your choice. Supported features are:
☝ Other extended Markdown Syntax may work, but break the Widget layout. |
Controls |
🔍 This column relates exclusively to Supervision widgets. ✅ You require "Supervisor" User Roles to use the controls. Refer to Dashboard Supervision for details. |
Data Source |
☝ Attention: Your previous data source selection is removed when switching between options below. If you need to filter with different sources (e.g. specific users and Organization Units), create two separate widgets instead. Select a type of data source with the following options:
Organization Units - ✅ SUPERVISOR You require a service / user supervisor role granted for the corresponding Organization Unit to see entries.
Date and Time (Widget) |
Note: Properties below are unique to the "Current Date and Time" widget:
Due Date |
Limit the list to Outbound Call tasks that only match the due date criteria. 🔍 Tasks are created and manipulated via Flow Actions of the Microsoft Power Automate Connector. |
Height |
Determines grid tiles used by this widget. 💡 Widgets may snap back to certain min / max grid sizes depending on widget type, e.g. to allow a minimum of content being shown. 💡 While in "Edit mode" you can also adjust the widget height via the handles on its bottom-right. |
Items per Page |
For tabular widgets, amount of entries to show before pagination should occur. |
Orientation |
For bar chart widgets, shows the bars in either horizontal (X-Axis) or vertical (Y-Axis) direction. |
KPI (Metrics) |
Various Key Performance Indicators (KPI), also used within "Live" Reporting for each service.
"Historical" / based on → TimeFrame
💡 Tip: Some Widgets allow to display a single KPI name in the → Title field. The placeholder <KPI> will dynamically get replaced with your selected KPI. KPI UNITS AND THRESHOLDSSome widgets allow to define → Thresholds to react to KPI value changes with color and sound. Note that;
💡 Tip: If this happens to you by accident you can restore your previous threshold settings by cancelling the widget edit, which discards your changes. |
Legend |
Allows to hide or show a KPI legend on any side of the widget. Options: Hidden, Right, Bottom, Left, Top 💡 When "Hidden" is selected, the legend can be accessed via mouseover on an info-icon in the widget corner. |
Level |
Shows the level of call (task) escalation in a service queue. A user's individual Duty State (and associated Responsibility Profile ) determines at which level they are considered for calls. Skills and Responsibilities are defined for each user. Only users matching the criteria are selected for calls. → See Widget Filters . 🔍 Level escalation is defined in a Distribution Policy and applied in the Distribution Service Settings of the respective Contact Center Service. |
Look Back Chart |
💡 This widget property can be combined with a → Trend indicator, or used standalone.
![]() Look Back Chart with value axis. Detailed datapoints are shown on mouseover |
Presence State |
Narrows down Users the MS Teams Presence Status (Available, Away, BRB, Busy, DND, Offline, Unknown) → See Widget Filters . |
Primary KPIs |
Optional KPI to show on the left Y-Axis. Can either be:
Up to 4 Metrics of the same type can be shown (stacked). 🔍 Also see → KPI for details on each Metric. |
Priority |
Column showing the Task Priority of incoming calls.
Weighted Round Robin Task DistributionDue to the rules above, task may "starve" for very long in a queue. An example would be a "Lowest" priority task getting outranked by higher priority tasks. To avoid this, a weighted round robin method is in place to mix in lower-priority tasks, equally distributed amonst available users: Learn more...Q: Calls in Queue | H: Handled | R: Remaining
Retries Left |
Limit the list of Outbound Call tasks that only match the remaining retries criteria. 💡A retry is one attempt to distribute an outbound call to a user. If the Nimbus user (Agent) does not respond in time, this number is incremented up until a specified maximum. 🔍Tasks retries are specified and manipulated via Flow Actions of the Microsoft Power Automate Connector. |
Scale |
Text and Element scaling within the widget. 💡 Does not impact → width or → height of the widget itself. Overflow will result in scroll bars shown inside the widget. |
Secondary KPIs |
Optional KPI to show on the right Y-Axis. Can either be:
🔍Up to 4 Metrics of the same type can be shown (stacked). (info) Also see → KPI for details on each Metric. |
States |
Determines the status of a task, as it used in other views and for Reporting.
🔍Tasks are created and manipulated via Flow Actions of the Microsoft Power Automate Connector. |
Supervision Active |
Status indicator for when Supervision → Controls were used. 🔍This column relates exclusively to Supervision widgets. Refer to Dashboard Supervision for details. |
Threshold (Filters) |
Applies an event threshold that reacts to a specified KPI (or column in tabular widgets). The threshold criteria are as follows:
Time Frame / Scope |
Narrows down shown data by time:
💡 Used mainly for "historical" → KPI , e.g. Task that have concluded with a definite result. |
Time in State |
Tracks the time (upwards counting) since the Service / User state has changed. Depending on the widget this column tracks different times:
💡 We recommend to combine this column with → Thresholds to mark entries that have exceeded a certain time limit. |
Title |
Customizable widget title. Can be hidden for some widgets via "Show Title" Toggle. 💡 Dynamic KPI Title Placeholders: In widgets that show a single KPI the title can include a <KPI name placeholder> and mixed with your text. |
URL (external Website) |
Used to specify an embedded website. ✅ The URL must start https:// - insecure websites are not allowed. WEBSITE EMBEDDING LIMITATIONSSome websites prevent IFrame embeds on remote sites, which cannot be circumvented. When you try to embed such protected URLs, errors like 401 (unauthorized) or a "Refused to Connect" message will be shown instead of your desired output. ✅ Possible Workarounds:
Show more technical information...There are two types of HTTP headers in websites that control iframe loading:
The HTTP Content-Security-Policy specifies valid parents that may embed a page using <frame>, <iframe>, <object>, or <embed>. A website header called x-frame-options specifies the access prevention, determined via the following values:
🔍 Related Sources: |
Trend Indicator |
💡 This widget can be combined with a → Look Back Chart, or used standalone.
Total Task trend with inverted positive (red color) setting |
Type (of Widget Filter) |
The type of service (inbound / outbound). 💡 Depending on the widget this filter may be limited to a preselection. |
Determines what type of User States the widget should display.
💡 Note that after selection additional filters to narrow down the states become available. |
Allows to filter entries by inequality operators " >, >=, <, =<" for:
All times are specified in hh:mm:ss ![]() 🔍 Note that RONA and ACW values can be adjusted via Distribution Service Settings for each Service. |
Widget Filters |
🔍 Notes / Preconditions:
Filters narrow down entries in widgets. Based on the widget type the following filters are available:
Width |
Determines grid tiles used by this widget. 💡 Widgets may snap back to certain min / max grid sizes depending on widget type, e.g. to allow a minimum of content being shown. 💡 While in "Edit mode" you can also adjust the widget width via the handles on the widget's bottom-ri |
- Each Non-Personal Dashboard has a creator and modification date. Note that administrators with the same level of access can also edit (and delete) any Non-Personal Dashboard. When a creator user is removed from Nimbus the creator will be shown as "N/A", but the board continues to exist.
- Clicking "Edit Dashboard" on any existing entry will bring you directly to Edit Mode. You can always adjust properties and filters as needed, but note that these changes apply to everyone with viewing/editing permissions on this board.
Filters and widgets in Dashboards are reliant based on your currently logged in user account's Organization Unit .
- This determines the data and visibility to other users within the same OU hierarchy.
- You will not see live data (such as incoming sessions, user states) on these dashboards due to data privacy reasons.

Publishing the Dashboard
As administrator you can decide when you want to make a Non-Personal Dashboard available to all "privileged" users:
- Edit your dashboard and ensure it is assigned to the correct Organization Unit. → 💡 Users therein and below that OU will see this entry once published.
- Once satisfied make the Dashboard available, enable the "Publish" toggle.
Viewing the Dashboard
✅ Once published by you or any other administrator all assigned users get immediate access to the new Non-Personal Dashboard, located within their Dashboard overview.
Within from a users point of view there are some notable differences on viewing Non-Personal Dashboards:
- A user will only see a Non-Personal Dashboards where they have at least Service user, Service Owner or Supervisor permissions for their Organization Unit and up the path. This is according to "reading along the path" rules.
- Only viewing rights are granted to Non-Personal Dashboards. An icon will distinguish between Personal and Non-Personal Dashboards on the Dashboard overview.
Known Issues and Limitations
- KNOWN LIMITATION The Data displayed in the Non-Personal Dashboard is filtered depending on the logged-in user's permission. This means that users may see the same Dashboard Widgets but different Service/User data filtered therein. The possibility to show the data independently from the logged-in users will be available in the future.
- If a user doesn't have the right to create Personal Dashboards – and there is no Non-Personal dashboard made visible to them – "No data available" is displayed.