Frontend Portal Overview

An introduction to Nimbus UI concepts


Access to the Portal (Frontend UI) of Nimbus is granted via the following links. Note that the URL is depending on where your Nimbus Nimbus Installation was done for the first time:

Nimbus Portal URLs

Switzerland 01
Switzerland 02
Germany 01
Germany 02
United Kingdom 01
Australia 01
West Europe 01
East United States 01
Nimbus Portal URLs

Make sure to configure your web proxies to allow access to these domains or whitelist the complete * domain.

Note that User permissions are required to access the Nimbus Portal:

  • Read about Role Access Concept to understand how to access Nimbus services. 
  • Your service / team owner or tenant administrator will need to grant you any of the viable Portal Roles and assign you as Members / Agents to a Nimbus service before you see any data in the portal.
  • If your Administrator has not given consent on your behalf, Nimbus will inform you about Required User Permissions. These are needed to access your presence status and perform searches in your local directory.

💡 After your first login, we strongly recommend that you read this guide all the way through. At the end of this page, you will find additional resources for each individual UI (view) of Nimbus. 


General Nimbus UI concepts

While designed to seamlessly integrate with Microsoft Teams in terms of its design, Nimbus uses the following modern concepts to enhance the UI experience with additional features.

💡 Note that these apply universally to all of Nimbus features and extensions, so you need to memorize them only once.

View Selection

Main Menu with a “Services Overview” entry selected


Main menu functionality is distinguished into different "views", which are accessible within a sidebar located on the left-hand side.

💡Things of Note:

  • Small tooltips display on mouseover to provide context.
  • Each view usually consists of several widgets, small information blocks that fulfill a specific purpose such as displaying a list of tasks, users or statistics.
  • Changing views will also force a refresh of the widgets inside.
  • The available main menu entries depend on User Roles and Groups of your logged-in user, which are usually changed by an Administrator. 

My Overview

My Overview of Nimbus Users
Overview for Nimbus Admins


My Overview offers a high-level metrics view on your services, sessions, and user data. 

💡Things of Note:

  • The overview is meant for you to quickly check live statistical data.
  • Via “Active” toggles you can als quickly steer your participation in one or several services simultaneously. 
  • When enabled for your services you can also make Calls On Behalf of one of your services

💡Good to know:

  • For Administrators there is an Administration Overview which shares similar UI concepts with statistics, but focuses on all service metrics for the entire Tenant, as well as Service Provisioning status overviews to check how many Nimbus services are currently in operation.


Organization Units


Example: Organization Units used for listing and sorting Services
Organization Units used to place a workflow with a specific team (or set of teams) 

Nimbus uses a hierarchical access-concept called Organization Units (short: OU). This concept is very important separate the visibility of data, users, services and all configurable elements such as workflows, codes, audio files etc.).

💡Things of Note:

  • In some UI views you will notice a “Organization Unit” display or selection. The concept is also used for Filtering certain views.
  • In the Configuration view, the OU concept also applies to distinguish by an item's OU affiliation (e.g. a workflow being assigned to and thus only visible to the "Documentation Team")
  • Data entities and configuration elements may be assigned to a "System" level OU by administrators, meaning that they will be available to all underlying “child” OU services.
  • The entire Nimbus Role-based Access Concept (RBAC) works in tandem with OU, determining where users can act in their role.

🔍 If you are managing a team we highly recommend reading about Organization Units to learn more about this concept.


Nimbus Teams App (and Teams Tab)


User-centric: Nimbus App
Service-centric:  Nimbus Teams Tab 

The Teams App is an optional way for users to access Nimbus via Microsoft Teams as a Nimbus Personal App.

💡Things of Note:

  • The App will open an instance of the Nimbus Portal URL within Teams for easy access. You can still continue using Nimbus in your browser, either separately or simultaneously.
  • See the Personal App Installation guide for instructions on how to add Nimbus to your Teams sidebar

💡Good to know:

  • Note that the App is personal to you, while the Nimbus Teams Tab shows a more generic service-oriented view.
  • Each Service can have it's own Nimbus tab. You however always have one Nimbus app that show all your services.

Open in Browser

Opening Portal in Browser


As a cloud product, Nimbus works both within the Microsoft Teams app as well as an external browser. You can use the "Open in Browser" option at any time to seamlessly continue working outside the Teams App.

☝Things to keep in mind

Credentials for the Nimbus Login (your Microsoft O365 account) may be required when clicking the website link.

Limitations to the Microsoft Teams mobile client or browser may impact responsiveness of the Nimbus UI. If any issues occur, try clearing your browser cache or switching browsers to see whether the problem persists.

Status changes (e.g. your "Active" team status, call queue handling, reporting data) persist between the Nimbus browser window and the Teams App. You can have multiple instances of Nimbus open; however, refreshing data may briefly cause mismatched data to display.

Teams requires exclusive access to your headset / microphone. Keep it in mind when opening Nimbus multiple times.

Features like Conversation Context require Nimbus to run in browser, as the Nimbus App cannot open tabs “on demand” within the MS Teams client. A workaround for this is Assistant which can open the browser context for you.


Mouse-Over tooltips

Mouse-over diagram tooltips


Most controls and widgets allow you to interact via mouse-over to display further details and tooltips.

💡Things of Note:

  • Mousing over charts and diagrams will show you numeric data points.
  • Getting the complete text contents of a control that is otherwise cut-off by design or resolution limitations (e.g. long names, announcement text, file names, etc.).
  • Getting visual feedback on an interactive control that changes state when clicked.
  • Mouse-over also can provide helpful tooltips or further information with links to our Knowledge Base.

Clickable controls

Toggles to enable or disable filters in Attendant Console
Controls may appear greyed out to, indicating that a dependency or requirement is not met (e.g. you lack permissions or  

Widgets with active controls will show a hand-symbol cursor. This can toggles, pulldowns, 

💡Things of Note:

  • Toggle controls may allow you to switch between views or apply filters within a view. Their status will change in color and shape accordingly.
  • The cursor generally changes to pointing finger to signal that elements or views may change when clicked. 
  • When a control is not clickable you usually do not meet the necessary Prerequirements. It can also mean that a feature is deactivated or just shown as “read only” for your information.

Call Pickup controls


Call pickup controls

Pickup controls may be visible for certain services, e.g. within a Queue widget or task list. 


“Pickup” is Service Settings and workflow queue-handling configured.

Queue Activities in a service workflow need to be set to any of the "Pickup" Distribution Types for this to show. 


💡Things of Note:

  • Active pickup controls - when clicked- will initiate a Microsoft Teams call by Nimbus and distribute the customer to you.
  • Inactive pickup controls indicate that you are ineligible to take the call (e.g. the caller is still in IVR, the call is already handled, or Nimbus has flagged your User State as unavailable to handle further tasks).
  • No pickup controls may be shown for (some) of your listed services in the Portal Overview. In such cases the Task Queue and Distribution is handled automatically by Nimbus. You only need to accept calls within your Microsoft Teams UI and not react within Nimbus itself.

Table Sorting

Sorting a table by clicking on the header


You can also click on table headers such task lists, available users, or reporting metrics to sort by that criteria.

💡Things of Note:

  • Repeated clicks change the sorting from ascending to descending
  • A refresh (or switch) to another view will reset the sorting back to default.
  • Sorting is exclusively to you, not shown for other users.

Chart Filtering & View Change

✅ Precondition: Data needs to be available for the filters to have a visible effect.


Chart Filtering can be applied to any diagram with a legend nearby. Some charts also support further control via mouse.

💡Things of Note:

  • Click on a legend entry to hide/show corresponding entries.           
    → 💡 The filters only show a visible effect if there is data available within the selected time period / data range.
  • Use your mouse-wheel to zoom and left-click to drag a chart along the X-Axis to closer inspect data points.
  • The view will reset when you switch between Nimbus tabs/views, or if you change the range of data (attempting to fit all data points on screen).

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