License Management

Learn about how licensing works in Nimbus.

On this page the following topics are covered:

  • How to get access to licensing options and how to get your required Tenant Administrator access configured. This will enable your technical teams to manage the Nimbus deployment without being members of the Teams themselves.
  • How to manage your available licenses and perform upgrades or downgrades.

The Licensing view allows Administrators to check on and redistribute available licenses and addons in bulk. License management is done either here as described below, or via the Administration pages of Users and Services respectively.

The “Licensing” Overview listing available license contingencies for Services, Users and Add-ons.

About the Tenant State widget

Your Tenant State indicates overall availability of Features and Licenses at a glance. A tenant state can be as follows:        

  • Active - your Nimbus subscription is active and valid.
  • Trial - your Nimbus subscription is in trial mode. You can try out Nimbus Features within the trial period.
  • Suspended - your Nimbus subscription has been suspended. → See footnote below.
  • Expired - your Nimbus subscription has expired. Get in contact with Luware Support if you need to renew it.
  • Canceled - your Nimbus subscription is cancelled.
  • Lab - a Nimbus lab subscription for test purposes.

🔎 Good to know: Your overall license contingency is also made visible via Tenant Administration > Licenses tab. To change the available license contingency, get in touch with your Customer Success partner.

🤔 What happens on a Tenant suspension? All users will not be able to login to Nimbus and related apps. Inbound / Outbound tasks will be rejected and incoming calls will be redirected to a default announcement workflow. This state can be resolved by a Luware Administrator.


Access to Licensing


Licenses can only be managed by administrator-type User Roles → see table below the most important details.

  • To manage user licenses, your account must be a Tenant Admin or Organization Unit Admin.
  • To manage service licenses, your account must be a Tenant Admin.

💡 Reminder: Higher-tier licenses and addons will enable Nimbus Features at additional cost. Please get in touch with your Customer Success partner to discuss your use cases and determine the best licensing scenario for your needs.


Roles with Licensing Access

There are different Roles and Permissions in Nimbus that relate to, use or enact licensing. The following table is an excerpt:

Role Purpose


Tenant Administrator

A Tenant Administrator has access to all Services and User Administration at your organization. They also manage Resources available to all Services under the respective Tenant. One advantage of being a Tenant Administrator is that you do not have to be Team Owner or Member, but still can manage companywide ResourcesOpening Hours or other Configuration-relevant items for any services within your Tenant.

🤔 How can I get Tenant Administrator rights? Create a new security group in Microsoft Entra ID (or choose an existing one) and send us its Object ID.
💡 Don’t forget that you need to be a member of this security group - group owners will not be taken into account.

INC Create a Security Group

How to create a Security Group in Azure

Create New Security Group

  1. Log into Azure Portal, go to "Groups" > "All Groups"  
  2. Click on "New Group " → A dialog will open

Define Group Details

  1. Ensure the Group type is set to "Security" 
  2. Name the group as you like to make the identification for you easier 
  3. Add members to the group as needed

Tenant Name and Object ID

  1. Once your group is created, go access it's "Overview" details 
  2. Copy the Object ID into an E-Mail
  1. Send your Mail to your Customer Success Specialist
  2. When you receive the Go from us, sign in at with any account from the created security group

🤔 What about Partners? It is possible to give both you and your partner tenant administration rights. In this case your partner can follow the same steps as above in their own Microsoft Entra ID and provide us with their Object ID.

🤔 Where to forward this Object ID? t your assigned Customer Success partner or create a request ticket via our helpdesk . We will then register the group's Object ID for your Nimbus tenant.

🤔 Can I further delegate tasks? Yes, by assigning → Organization Unit Administrator rights to additional users on your Tenant. As a Tenant Administrator you can do this via User Administration. This user acts within services, resources and users already assigned to Organization Units.

🤔 Where can I check on my current License status? Head to the Tenant Administration > Licenses tab to see your current assigned contingency of licenses.


Organization Unit Administrator

Organization Unit Administrators (or short: OU Admins) delegates with the same privileges as the Tenant Admin. However, their scope is limited to the configuration, service and user entities within their assigned Organization Units.

💡 OU Admins are restricted to managing user licenses. They cannot change service licenses.

Managing Licenses

In the Licenses section, you can review and distribute your available licenses. The count of available and remaining licenses is summarized across all users, and User and Services on your Tenant.

License type overview


License Types

Licenses are distinguished by types: Service Licenses and User Licenses. 

✅ Click on each tab below to learn more.

Service Licenses

🔍 Service licenses directly affect the Nimbus Features available to the individual service. To change licenses on your services:

  1. Click on the corresponding service license you want to distribute: Advanced Routing, Enterprise Routing or Contact Center.    
    💡 For downgrades of services already using Enterprise Routing or Contact Center features, additional steps may apply. 
    🔍 See License Downgrade chapter below. 
  2. The view shows your contingency of available service licenses, distinguished by Service types.
  3. You can review and "Undo" your license changes before confirming the change via "Save".
Reviewing pending license changes.

🔍 Service licenses and additional addons (apps, modalities) can also be changed indivdually in each Service Administration. Adding these licenses will enable additional settings for the respective service.

Note:  The User assignment type of a service is determined during provisioning via MS-Teams or when creating a Service manually. This setting cannot be changed with 


 What are the user assignment type differences?

INC User Assignment Types

Each Nimbus service can be of a different user assignment type that determines how users are associated to this service:

  • MS Teams-based: Directly tied to your MS Teams "Teams" as determined during Service Provisioning. Users get automatically added and synced to a Nimbus service.
  • Skill-based: Applies for manually created services via Service Administration. Requires skill-assignment from users you assign to the service from within your tenant directory.
  • None: Has no users, but can be configured by any administrator. Used for IVR or first-level redirection services. 

☝ Important to know: The user assignment type is fixated when a service was either provisioned via MS Teams or manually created via Service Administration, e.g. for IVR or skill-based distribution purposes. A switch between MS Teams-based and Skill-based services is not possible due to how individual users are configured and how Nimbus Features operate.



🤔 Which user-assignment direction changes are allowed?

Switching from … to Notes on licensing
Skill-based None ✅ Allowed - Prerequisite to downgrade to Enterprise Routing license.
MS-Teams based None ❌ Not allowed - the user rights and service are directly tied to the MS-Teams channel. If you remove the channel, the related Nimbus service needs to be removed as well.
None Skill-based ✅ Allowed - Requires a Contact Center license to upgrade.
MS-Teams based Skill-based 🔍 Not possible due to significant feature set and user permission handling differences. See User assignment types for more details.   

→ We recommend to configure a new service according to your Features needed, then switch over from your previous service. While this creates a temporary "license overhead" it also guarantees near-uninterrupted service to your customers. An additional benefit is also a clear Reporting transition while minimizing the disruption to your Nimbus users until production-ready.

🤔 Why are the options restricted? 

Among other features, the underlying Role Access Concept is either inherited from Teams or managed exclusively by Nimbus itself. Changes on your service structure therefore require close consideration before taking action. For example:

  • Service Ownership Which (future) MS Teams channels to use – or remove – along with a changed service / team owner structure? An example could be your users shifting to separate department structures, but the requirement to stay reachable and organized via one central service remains.
  • Role Management How to manage Service Permissions among (new or future) users with different technical expertise? An example would be a split of service ownership and additional BI reporting / supervision User Roles in scenarios where users have multiple roles in different teams.
  • Incoming Task management Which Distribution Policies and (optionally) user Skills and Responsibilities must be considered for call distribution? An example would be the need for more specialized services that can (spontaneously) onboard users with the right expertise without the need to fill your MS Teams client with extra channels.


Once license changes are applied, any administrator (and service owner) can immediately configure new features within the Service Settings and define related Configuration items.

🔎 Also refer to the following topics for detail steps:


User Licenses

🔍 User licenses directly affect the Nimbus Features available to the individual user. They also enable users to make use of addons and modalities. To change licenses on your users:

  1. Click on the corresponding user license you want to distribute: Attendant Console, Interact, Contact Center, Assistant, Instant Messaging, External Task, Email.
    💡 For downgrades of users already using Contact Center features, additional steps may apply. → See License Downgrade chapter below.
  2. The view shows your contingency of available user and addon licenses. In this example below Attendant Console licenses are distributed.
  3. You will see all users already having this license. Either remove it or add new users according to your license pool.
  4. You can review your license changes before confirming the change via "Save".
Example: adding and removing Attendant Console licenses on multiple users

🔍 Good to know: User Licenses and additional applications (features and add-ons) can also be changed individually in each user's User Administration. Adding these licenses will enable additional tabs for the respective user. Learn more about each license and add-ons by visiting the Nimbus Features page.

An example user with all licenses applied


Once a license was applied, any administrator can start to set up the additional user details via the User Administration tabs and define necessary Configuration items such as user Skills and Responsibilities.

🔎 Also refer to the following topics for detail steps:


License Downgrades

License Downgrade

License downgrades can be performed from within the Licensing Management overview. When Nimbus Features are already in use, a warning will be shown:

Checking for downgrades in the "Licensing" view

Good to know: Downgrades are prevented until the corresponding Nimbus Features  features have been removed from either users or services. This check is also necessary to prevent disruptions to your daily operations caused by an (accidental) license change.


License Downgrade in User/Service Settings

As features are most-likely in use, your next step to downgrade would be to access General User Settings and General Service Settings respectively and check the tooltips on the target license you wanna downgrade towards. By doing so you can address each feature preventing a downgrade individually.

Checking license downgrade requirements within "Service Settings"

Downgrade Steps

To downgrade from a higher tier license, any related Nimbus Features and their data entities must be removed or unassigned from the user or service. This is done manually via Service Administration and User Administration respectively. Refer to the License downgrade checklist below for details.

🤔 What do I need to check?

☝ Note: Downgrades are irreversible

Removing a Contact Center license from a user or service will remove ALL associated settings and user assignments. 

⮑ This action is irreversible, meaning that you must manually re-define all settings for users and services if you ever reconsider adding the license again.


✅License Downgrade Checklist

🔎For all steps below, we recommend to consult the Features matrix for items to be checked / deactivated in order to downgrade.

Downgrading from: Things to check

Enterprise Routing

Head to the Service Administration and locate your service to downgrade. Alternatively you can use the the License Management view to check all your services services at once.

For Services:

✅ Check workflows used in your Modality Service Settings that come with Enterprise Routing service features. You can either downgrade to simpler Workflow Templates to save yourself effort, or manually re-configure your existing workflows by removing the Workflow Activities:

  • Activities marked with licensing constraints (e.g. "Check Parameter", "Check Task"). See Nimbus Features.
  • Any "Pickup " type Call Distribution settings from any "Queue " workflow activity.


✅ Check and disable Conversation Context, Codes and Tags enabled in the My Sessions view.

⮑ Related frontend features are part of Service Settings > Extensions They will be disabled after the downgrade.
⮑ The items themselves remain part of your Configuration within their former Organization Units

✅ Check and remove any additional custom and system Parameters from your Service Settings > "Extensions" tab.


✅ Check and disable Outbound Service Call features as part of the Service Settings > Distribution tab

⮑ Doing so will remove the corresponding options in the My Overview or Services Overview view.


Disable Interact, as it not available for Advanced Routing services.

Contact Center

Head to the User Administration and locate your user to downgrade. Alternatively you can use the the License Management view to check all your user licenses at once.

Check everything from → Enterprise Routing above. Additionally you need to do the following:

For Services:

Disable After Call Work features as part of the Distribution Service Settings


✅ Remove Distribution Policies assigned to "Skill-based" User assignment type Contact Center services in their respective Distribution Service Settings.


✅ Check Modality Service Settings and disable workflows that are unavailable to your downgraded license.

For Users:

On General User Settings, remove the “Contact Center” license from the user.

⮑ Doing so will remove all Nimbus Features for that user, e.g. Access to Roles, Skills, Responsibility Profiles, Dashboards, and Assistant App will be revoked. 
⮑ The user is removed as a target from all Contact Center services.



License FAQ

🤔 Why isn't the license downgrade automated? As features such as Skills and Responsibilities and Workflows as well as Contact Center users may be used across multiple services, simply removing them could have “invisible” side effects. A manual check ensures that features are consciously removed by team owners and administrators, and communicated step-by-step as transparently as possible.

Show me an example…

A Contact Center user can have individual Skills and Responsibilities and be assigned to multiple services via Agent Service Settings. Both associations are getting removed alongside with the license, the user will not be available to any of these services. This may also include include Nimbus Power Automate Connector Use Cases where that user was specifically defined as “Preferred” target.

If you want to re-assign or reinstate that user again you will need you might check their Responsibility Profiles and re-apply all their skills to ensure they are found by any services Distribution Policies.

💡Learning: Multiple services may involve a Contact Center user and have them defined within their flows and settings. Ensure to communicate to other service owners if you remove that Contact Center user from their pool of Agents.


🤔 I have finished my checks and want to downsize my license count. What comes next? Once your downgrade steps are done, get in contact with Luware Customer Success to downgrade your licensing. If you have no existing contact to discuss licensing terms, you can reach out to Luware Support.

INC Luware Support Address

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