Extensions Service Settings

In Extensions Service Settings, you can manage extension Nimbus Features such as Codes and Conversation Context displayed on the My Sessions overview. Enabled features are immediately available to all Nimbus service team members.

Licensing Preconditions

Enterprise Routing Contact Center The Extensions tab is available for Enterprise and Contact Center licensed services. Please note that some extensions described below will only be visible for configuration when you have the according license applied via the Service Administration. Refer to Nimbus Features for an overview and get in contact with Nimbus customer success if you require a demonstration.

💡 For Enterprise services, you need to have a Teams team defined in order to see the Extensions tab.



Enterprise Routing Contact Center This Feature requires either an Enterprise Routing or Contact Center license on the service. Codes are selectable entries can be defined by service owners to appear in My Sessions or Assistant to help users specify the contents or task conclusion during and after a call (After Call Work).

Good to know

  • Codes selected by users after completing task will be stored as part of historic reporting and made visible via BI Template
  • Unlike Tags a code must be predefined via this list to appear for users of the service. This also means that users of multiple services will see different codes for selection, depending on the service that was handling the task.
  • The usage of codes as either “Secondary” or “Primary” is purely cosmetic, without system-relevant differences.
Code selection in “My Sessions” view

✅ Preconditions: Primary and Secondary Codes must be defined via Configuration beforehand and made available on the service's respective Organization Unit (or higher) before they appear in this list. 

Once Codes configured, click “Add” to add any available code to either the Primary or Secondary list. You can also sort the entries via drag-and-drop to change their order of appearance for users.

Defined Primary and Secondary Codes will be made available 


Assistant works standalone app and can also provide context during calls to individual users. As Administrator you can configure the following:

  • Define (Service or User) specific Call Templates that trigger data requests and can open other local apps or scripts on an incoming call.
  • Reuse or define specific conversation context opened as the call is ringing or accepted. 

💡 Learning: Once Assistant is installed and running in the background of a user's PC, a permanently opened Nimbus browser tab (e.g. My Sessions view) is not required anymore to get call context. The browser will open and show context automatically on incoming tasks.

Within a Service you can configure context for Assistant individually as follows:

Target What can be applied How to Configure
Users (Agents) Direct Call Templates are assigned and triggered by Assistant for an individual user, opened in their system-default browser during an incoming direct call.

Direct Call Templates containing the trigger points and actions and must be defined via Administrator-side Configuration first. Once created, Templates can be added to a user via Assistant User Settings .

🔍 Our Use Case - Chaining of Assistant requests provides a step-by-step example.

Services Service Call Templates are assigned and triggered by Assistant during an incoming service call.

Service Call Templates containing the trigger points and actions must be defined via Administrator-side Configuration first. Once created, Templates can be added to a user via Extension Service Settings.

🔍 Our Use Case - Chaining of Assistant requests provides a step-by-step example.

Conversation Context is opened by Assistant in the Nimbus users default browser during an incoming service call.

Conversation Context items containing the URLs to open must be defined in the Administrator-side Configuration first. Once created, they can be added to a user via Extension Service Settings.

🔍 Our Use Case - Defining and using Conversation Context provides a step-by-step example on how to configure this.

My Sessions

Enterprise Routing Contact Center This Feature requires either an Enterprise Routing or Contact Center license on the service. It allows you to show additional context in the My Sessions view. 

Conversation Context

Conversation Context items can open in an extra tab or widget whenever a service call is accepted. Additionally, the My Sessions view in Nimbus allows to open context as an embedded context widget, e.g. to provide further caller information or to provide further functionality within a ticketing system.

Possible use cases for context could be:

  • Create, update or open incident tickets in your based on incoming call information.
  • Provide additional help or instructions to your Agents, based on the called services.
  • Extend the call scenario with further browser-based applications such as CRM, SAP or custom-developed apps.

✅ Preconditions: Conversation Context must be defined via Configuration beforehand and made available on the service's respective Organization Unit (or higher) before they appear in this list. 

The following points need to be considered for all users before using context in Nimbus:

Consideration Solution / Precondition
Context tabs require your browser to show
✅ During an incoming task Nimbus Portal needs to be open in your browser to open context tabs. Nimbus Portal Links:

INC Nimbus Portal URLs

Switzerland 01 https://portal.ch-01.luware.cloud/
Switzerland 02 https://portal.ch-02.luware.cloud/
Germany 01 https://portal.dewe-01.luware.cloud/
Germany 02 https://portal.dewe-02.luware.cloud/
United Kingdom 01 https://portal.ukso-01.luware.cloud/
Australia 01 https://portal.aue-01.luware.cloud/
West Europe 01 https://portal.euwe-01.luware.cloud/
East United States 01 https://portal.use-01.luware.cloud/
Nimbus Portal URLs

Make sure to configure your web proxies to allow access to these domains or whitelist the complete *.luware.cloud domain.


  •  The Nimbus Teams Tab within MS Teams cannot open context by itself as it is prevented by MS Teams. 
    → Within the Nimbus Personal App you can use the "Go to Website" Icon located at the top right, to the same effect of using the URLs above.
  • An installed Assistant on your local PC can open your browser and related context via the use of Service Call Templates.
Context requires pop-up blocking to be disabled

✅ Context may get blocked by your browser.  
→ Make sure that Microsoft Teams and Nimbus URLs are except from any pop-up blockers.

Browser popup warning


  •  Some browsers block pop-ups as a default. You may need to do a test call to see and allow the blocked pop-ups.
  • Your company IT policies, firewalls or additional Adblocking extensions can also prevent opening of context. If the problem persists, talk to your system administrator.

Store Conversation Context Data

INC Store Context Data

GDPR After a service task has concluded, any historic session and customer context data – e.g. as shown in the My Sessions widgets – will by default not be stored by Nimbus.

While disabled:
⮑ the "Session Details" of any historic task records will show “Not Available” instead within My Sessions and Historical Sessions. 
⮑ Previous custom Parameters  / and  Conversation Context items (e.g. Customer details or URLs dynamically retrieved and formed via Nimbus Power Automate Connector) will not resolve or open correctly anymore.

This storage behavior can be changed by enabling the “Store Conversation Context Data” in Extensions Service Settings:

Historical storage of Context Data

☝ Note that the “Store Conversation Context Data” option is disabled by default as potentially sensitive caller data can appear in historical records and seen by Administrators (e.g. via Historical Sessions). Therefore…

  • … the sections below should be read carefully to understand its effects.
  • … involved parties should note that this setting has no retroactive effect, meaning that only data after enabling this setting will get stored for the retention period.
  • … the setting must be enabled individually per service (OPT-IN).

🤔What happens when I enable this?

☝Task information / Session detail data is stored per service session on call termination (either transfer by workflow or user).

☝ Restrictions on concluded sessions (e.g. within My Sessions) apply as follows:

  • ... the "Embedded Context widget" will resolve with the currently configured URL with a previously saved call information. This means that also historic sessions will use the link currently configured in the Extensions Service Settings .
  • ... the separate "Open Context" link remains clickable if at least one Conversation Context URL is currently configured.
  • ... the "Session Details" widget will still show Custom and Customer parameters if available.

☝ Not stored (regardless of setting) are:

  • Default "My Session Parameters" user data is not stored as it is always retrieved dynamically from the internal user directly of your Tenant.

🤔What happens in service transfer scenarios?

Nimbus always stores live context on transfer to services (either initiated by workflow or user). The "Store Conversation Context Data" option will have no impact there. 

☝ However, enabling the "Store Conversation Context Data" setting will cause such live context data to be stored as historical record after call termination. This also applies on each transfer between services, creating a historical record entry for each service that has the setting enabled. 

In an example transfer scenario this may cause historical data to “accumulate” between services, as data gets updated and appended.

Example - Transfer from Service A to B to C:

Parameter Service A  ► transfer to Service B ► transfer to Service C
Customer Name John Doe John Doe John Doe
Spoken Language German <Not Relevant> <Not Relevant>
Gender <Not Relevant> Male <Not Relevant>
Ticket ID #1111 #3151 (overwritten Ticket Parameter) <Not Relevant>
“Store Conversation Context Data”  enabled
Stored Historical Sessions data shown John Doe (1)
Not used

John Doe  (1)
Not available (not stored)

Not available (not stored)

Not available (not stored)

John Doe  (1)
German (from Service A)
Male (from Service B)
#3151 (from Service B)

 (1) The user name will always be resolved from a UPN / PSTN when it was found within the existing O365 user directory.


🤔How long is data being stored?

  • Caller info is updated on a “terminated”  workflow Trigger Events and stored for a maximum of 30 days for the last available service session (in case of transfers).
  • Conversation context data will also be stored for failed/killed calls.
  • After 30 days the data is cleared. This also happens when either the service or tenant is being unprovisioned when Uninstalling Nimbus

☝ Best Practice: If you wish to store critical or personal session data permanently, you need to do so during an active session and within a system of your choice (e.g. a CRM or Database).


🔍 Whitepapers: You can also learn more about the data retention policy in our whitepapers, available in the Documents section.





Widgets extend the My Sessions UI with additional functionality. 💡 Note that certain features are separately licensed and may not show in your UI if preconditions are not met. 

The following widgets can be configured: 

Setting Description
Codes and Tags

⮑ Enables a "Codes & Tags" widget in the My Sessions view. 

✅ Preconditions:


💡 Tags can be freely defined by users during incoming calls. Suggestions will be auto-completed based on previously provided tags.


Codes and Tags in the My Sessions view
Embedded Context

⮑ Embeds a single website in a My Sessions “Embedded Context” window.

✅ Preconditions:


💡 Please note that only one Context item can be shown embedded per service call.

 🔍 Functionality is the same as described in → chapter Conversation Context above. However, embedding limitations apply (see below).

Example website shown as embedded context in the widget

INC Website Embed Limitations


Some websites prevent IFrame embeds on remote sites, which cannot be circumvented. When you try to embed such protected URLs, errors like 401 (unauthorized) or a "Refused to Connect" message will be shown instead of your desired output.

✅ Possible Workarounds:

  • If available, consult your external source website support to check if any iframe-referrals are allowed. Some services offer specialized data widgets for that purpose or provide authorized token-URLs that you can use.
  • If you have access to whitelists on your source website, try to allow the *.luware.cloud domain for external embedding / referencing.

Show more technical information...

 There are two types of HTTP headers in websites that control iframe loading:

X-Frame-Options: DENY

Content-Security-Policy: frame-ancestors 'none'

The HTTP Content-Security-Policy specifies valid parents that may embed a page using <frame>, <iframe>, <object>, or <embed>.

A website header called x-frame-options specifies the access prevention, determined via the following values: 

  • if set to DENY the site isn't allowed to be loaded in iframe 
  • if set to SAMEORIGIN the page can only be embedded in a frame on a page with the same origin as itself.
  • if set to ALLOW-FROM the page can only be displayed in a frame on the specified origin. This only works in browsers that support this header.

🔍 Related Sources:

Live Caption

⮑ Enables Live Caption for calls. If active, Live Caption appears as a widget, transcribing and displaying voice during calls.

✅ Preconditions:

  • Enterprise Routing Contact Center licensed Nimbus Feature. A Transcription License is assigned in General User Settings > Licenses in order to be visible and usable for the user. If no Transcription license is assigned to the user, the error message “Transcription not available. User Transcription License missing.” is shown in the widget.
  • Live Caption must be enabled in the tab Virtual Assistant tab and a Speech Recognizers engine assigned.
Live transcription of an incoming call

Tip: Hiding captioning in the background

Note that Live Caption can only be used with both Live Caption and Transcription enabled in tab Virtual Assistant. However, if you want to hide Transcription from the portal (e.g. if you want to process it only in the background), disabling Live Caption in tab Extensions will prevent transcripts being shown in the widget.


⮑ Enables Voice Transcription for calls. If active, Transcription appears as a widget in My Sessions, showing voice transcripts of call sessions.

✅ Preconditions:

  • Enterprise Routing Contact Center license Nimbus Feature. A Transcription License assigned in General User Settings > Licenses in order to be visible and usable for the user. If no Transcription license is assigned to the user, the error message “Transcription not available. User Transcription License missing.” is shown in the widget.
  • Transcription must be enabled in the tab Virtual Assistant and a Speech Recognizers engine assigned.

Transcription processing in ACW

💡If you have ACW configured in Distribution Service Settings and need it for session closure, you may need to wait for an ongoing saving process of your session's transcription to finish. Once the final transcript is available, it appears in the Transcription widget and you can use it for your ACW.

Session Details

⮑ Shows a "Session Details" widget  in My Sessions with a set of of default System Fields and Parameters. This data is retrieved and shown during an incoming task. With the "Session Details" settings you change these entries order of appearance and greatly expand the available information.

Retrieved and non-available parameters shown as “Session Details”

✅ Preconditions:


This feature can be used for any service, but the amount of available parameters is extended with higher license tiers. 

Advanced Routing

My Session Parameters: 

  • A list of default parameters available to every "My Session" view.
  • Default entries are: Display Name, Phone and Moble numbers, Email, SIP Address, Company and Department of the caller.

💡 If you remove any of the existing entries, they will re-appear in the "My Session Parameters" list and can be re-added.

Enterprise Routing Contact Center

Additional System and Custom parameters for your "Session Details" become available with an Enterprise Routing or Contact Center license on your service:

Mixture of My Session, System and Custom Parameters


Note that a service License downgrade is being prevented when you still have custom or system parameters in use. Before attempting to downgrade your service license, remove additional parameters first and return the view to "My Session" defaults.


Notes on Parameters in Session Details

  • Any custom/writable parameter information is only updated when previously retrieved from an external directory, e.g. by using the Microsoft Power Automate Connector.
  • Note that your Custom Parameters can also be referenced via Workflows, and update during Trigger Events  depending on the service being called. 
  • Multiple services can make use of the same parameters to standardize the looks of the Session Details within My Sessions.
  • Privacy of Session Details (e.g. between Service Transfers) can be steered via “Store Conversation Context Data” option. By default, the details get deleted after a session ends.

An available a google-maps location will be shown based on either the address or IP information of the caller. Depending on the available info this map will provide more specific or general details.

Map Data availability

Map locations are only shown when previously retrieved from an external directory, e.g. by using the Microsoft Power Automate Connector to look up caller data.


✅ This requires either an external CRM / Directory that associate an incoming UPN/PSTN with the customer.


System Fields and Parameters (CustomerStreetAddress, PostCode, City, State, Country) are used to render the position data on a map. Custom Parameters are not considered nor required.


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