Workflow Activities Overview

Everything for building your workflows at a glance

🔎New to workflows? Read the following!

The following page will list all workflow activities and their configurable properties. Please note:

  • Terminology: "Workflow Step", "Workflow Element" and "Workflow Activity" are used synonymously.
  • Certain workflow activities are retricted by license / and modality. See Nimbus Features for a comparison. A License Downgrade may not be performed until you remove the according activities from your workflows.
  • Certain workflow activities have required predecessors - ensure to have them connected in your workflow to avoid errors in call handling.
  • All workflows heavily rely on prepared Configuration data entities
  • Activities with Text-to-Speech (TTS) generators use engines provided by Microsoft.
    • We dynamically update the list of available languages. Any old or outdated selections may therefore be marked with a warning that disappears until you select a different TTS-engine.
    • Your existing "outdated" TTS-activities still remain intact as a working copy on the Nimbus infrastructure until you change them.

🔎Changed licenses recently? Learn about activity availability here!

This workflow activity list below shows license dependencies and is an excerpt from the Nimbus Features Matrix. Note that the Workflow Editor will list all activities, ignoring any license constraints. However, you may not apply workflows (in Modalities Service Settings) that use such activities if your service isn't licensed for it. Accordingly – when you perform a License Downgrade you must remove those activities which require a specific license. 


INC Workflow Activity License Matrix


Service License

Advanced Routing

Enterprise Routing

Contact Center

Workflow Activities
Availability Based Routing
Cancel Task
Check Opening Hours
Check Parameter (Parameter-based Routing)
Check Task
Collect Information

Disconnect Conversation
Distribution Priority (set Task Priority)

Get Available Users
Get Queue Position
Input Customer (IVR)
Input Customer Advanced
Mark as Handled


Play Music
Queue Task

Save to Parameter
Standby Duty
Voice Message
Wait for Parameter (e.g. external updates)
Call Distribution modes within “Queue / Queue Task” activity
Features related to Workflows 
Basic Call Templates
IVR Transfer Templates
Configurable Opening Hours
Workflow activities and related feature availability per license

List of Workflow Activities

Tabs below contain a list of all workflow activities. If you need to consume this content in smaller size, head to the respective subpages: 


Conversation Handling

Conversation Handling Activities

This page lists all Workflow activities that relate to customer interaction, e.g. by informing the customer via text message, resource audio files, receiving input via IVR, storage of data in Parameters, or transferring an existing interaction.

💡Note that activities below are listed in alphabetical order, which is not necessarily the order of their intended use.





Description Accepts an incoming task (of any modality) and establishes the corresponding communication channel between caller and user.
Required Predecessor

☝ This activity is essential and cannot be disabled. 

  • MUST be connected to the Start node to form a valid workflow.
  • Required in a workflow to ensure proper service session tracking, Task Queue and Distribution and reporting.
  • Used in conjunction with a “Disconnect” activity to form the opening and closing brackets of a workflow.
Advanced Routing Enterprise Routing Contact Center
Modalities Audio / Video Instant Messaging Email External Task

Common Properties

Configurable Properties Description

Controls when your task will be marked as “Accepted by System” in the reporting session, both for Nimbus Reporting Model and KPI evaluation purposes. 


🔎 This activity is part of the Trigger Events in the Nimbus Power Automate Connector.


Audio / Video

INC WF Properties remark

No specific behaviors for this modality. “Common Properties” apply.


Instant Messaging

INC WF Properties remark

No specific behaviors for this modality. “Common Properties” apply.



INC WF Properties remark

No specific behaviors for this modality. “Common Properties” apply.


External Task

INC WF Properties remark

No specific behaviors for this modality. “Common Properties” apply.






Plays a defined resource or text to the caller. Can generate text to speech "on-the-fly".

INC Fair Use Disclaimer

🤝 This feature uses runtime resources under a fair-use policy. Luware may change the usage limit or contact customers that exceed the general usage quota.

Required Predecessor Accept
Advanced Routing Enterprise Routing  Contact Center
Modalities Audio / Video Instant Messaging Email External Task

Common Properties

Configurable Properties Description
Announcement Type
  • Text-to-Speech (with Language Select & Text Field)
  • Audio Resources.

🔍 Audio resources can be added via Configuration > Resources .

Add Parameters            
( Toggle )

Will allow the use of Custom Parameters and System Fields and Parameters in the "Prompt Text" Field. 

💡 Note that with this option enabled the will "Preplay" feature is disabled as paramaters are dynamically resolved during a call.

Prompt Language Allows to select the locale / voice to use when using the Text-to-Speech engine.
Prompt Text

✅ Only shown when Announcement Type = Text to Speech is selected. 

  • Allows you to add text to the box that will be read in the prompt language / locale.
  • The announcement can be a mixture of text and Custom Parameters and System Fields and Parameters
  • Announcements will be generated on-the-fly and cached if continously re-used.


This activity has a dynamic character limit for the Text-To-Speech engine.

The final resolved parameter values – not the name of your Parameters – count towards this character limit. Keep this in mind when parameters are very long (e.g. a customer with multiple surnames).

The limit is shown in the info-tooltip below the text field as you enable the "Add Parameters" field. 

☝ Note: When the limit is exceeded, this activity will be skipped. → We recommend splitting the important information (e.g. parameters) into separate "Announcement" activities with short sentences each to avoid a skip.


Audio / Video

INC WF Properties remark

No specific behaviors for this modality. “Common Properties” apply.


Collect Information

Collect Information

Collect Information

Description Allows to store DTMF inputs in Parameters, exiting based on whether or not an input was received. The parameter can also be used in other areas and verified via the "Check Parameter" activity.
Required Predecessor Accept
Advanced Routing Enterprise Routing  Contact Center
Modalities Audio / Video Instant Messaging Email External Task

Common Properties

Configurable Properties


Prompt Type
  • Text-to-Speech (with Language Select & Text Field)
  • Audio Resources.

🔍 Audio resources can be added via Configuration > Resources 

Prompt Language Allows to select the locale / voice to use when using the Text-to-Speech engine.
Prompt Text

✅ Only shown when "Prompt Type" = Text to Speech is selected. 

Allows you to add text that will be read in the prompt language / locale.

Input during announcement             
( barge in )

Defines when the caller is allowed to enter input:

  • if true - from the moment when the main prompt was started
  • if false - after the main prompt was fully played 

💡 When enabled, the "Time to complete started input" timer starts immediately upon first input. Any prompts at this point are stopped.

Parameter To Save

Required: To be visible in this selection menu at least one Custom Parameter must be defined and made available to your service or tenant-wide via Organization Unit configuration.


Parameters can be used in the following areas:

Usage within

Workflow Activities

  • "Voice Message" 
  • "Input customer" 
  • "Collect Information
  • "Check Parameter"
Microsoft Power Automate Connector

Action "UpdateTask"

  • CustomContextParameter.<ID>

🔎 This activity also causes a “Parameter Updated” Trigger Event.

Conversation Context

As part of a context URL:

  • $(CustomContextParameters.<ID>)
Extension Service Settings

My Sessions UI customization:

  • "Session Details" widget
Input Timeout             


Defines the maximum time in which a caller can enter and complete the input:

  • default: 00:01:00,
  • min 00:00:03
  • max 02:00:00
  • If the time is reached and the caller didn't enter anything, the "No Input" exit is taken and nothing will be saved in the parameter as value.
  • The default parameter value - or in case of a loop - previous value entries will be kept unchanged when no entry is made.
Max DTMF Digits             
(default: 1,             
max 999)             


Defines the maximum of DTMF tone digits. The collection will be stopped automatically if the defined maximum is reached and the input is stored.

🔍 Further exit conditions may apply, see "Node Exits" description below.

Node Exits

The "input received" activity exit is taken under the following conditions:

  • When the caller entered the max number of digits.
  • When the the caller completes the input with the #. The # character will not be saved as input
  • When the timeout is reached and the caller has entered at least one digit (but less than < MAX DTMF Digits)

In all cases the parameter is stored and the default / previous parameter is overridden.


A common use case is to add a "Check Parameter" activity right after your "Collect Information":

  • In a "same parameter / Nimbus internal" scenario this should work without problems, as there are no expected delays in parameter storage and processing.
  • in a "different parameter / external system" scenario a custom parameter input "lookup_param_1" could be used to store look-up info for handling in an external system. The results would be stored in "return_param_2".              
    ☝ This data-handling process may take time that a Nimbus workflow does not account for.

Recommendation: When involving an external system (e.g. using the Microsoft Power Automate Connector ), add an "Announcement" or other delaying workflow activity that allows "Check Parameter" to catch the updated return value.


Audio / Video

INC WF Properties remark

No specific behaviors for this modality. “Common Properties” apply.


Instant Messaging

Configurable Properties


Prompt Type Not applicable.
Prompt Language Not applicable.
Prompt Text Multi Line Text Box with Custom Parameters and System Fields and Parameters support.
Input during announcement             
( barge in )
Not applicable.
Parameter To Save

INC WF Properties remark

No specific behaviors for this modality. “Common Properties” apply.

Input Timeout             


INC WF Properties remark

No specific behaviors for this modality. “Common Properties” apply.

Max DTMF Digits             
(default: 1,             
max 999)             

Not applicable.
Node Exits

💡 There is no input validation.

  • If any input is provided by the customer the "Input Received" exit is taken. 
  • With a "Input timeout" specified and no input given, the "No Input" exit is taken.





Adds a delay into the workflow so that external processes (like Power Automate flow runs) have enough time to complete.

💡Tip: Note that this activity that will not abort when an external system responds. If you need a more precise timing, consider using the “Wait for Parameter” activity or use “Check Parameter” in a loop with smaller “Delays” in between.

Required Predecessor Accept
Advanced Routing Enterprise Routing Contact Center
Modalities Audio / Video Instant Messaging Email External Task

Common Properties

Configurable Properties Description
Delay Time

When the activity is reached, wait for the specified time.

  • Default: 00:00:10
  • Min: 00:00:01
  • Max: 00:30:00

Instant Messaging

INC WF Properties remark

No specific behaviors for this modality. “Common Properties” apply.



INC WF Properties remark

No specific behaviors for this modality. “Common Properties” apply.


External Task

INC WF Properties remark

No specific behaviors for this modality. “Common Properties” apply.





Description Terminates an incoming task or disconnects an already accepted task (of any modality).
Required Predecessor

Essential: Disconnect AND Accept in a Workflow

☝ This activity is essential and cannot be disabled. 


  • … be at the end of a workflow. 
  • … be part of any workflow to ensure service session tracking, Task Queue and Distribution handling and Statistics reporting.
  • … be used in conjunction with a “Accept” activity to close a session Nimbus Reporting Model
    💡This even applies after a Transfer, Voicemail or other task-ending activity). 
Advanced Routing Enterprise Routing Contact Center
Modalities Audio / Video Instant Messaging Email External Task

Common Properties

Configurable Properties Description

Acts as end node to terminate the call.  Controls when your task will be marked as “Workflow Disconnect” in the reporting session, both for Nimbus Reporting Model and KPI evaluation purposes. 


🔎 This activity is part of the Trigger Events in the Nimbus Power Automate Connector.


Audio / Video

INC WF Properties remark

No specific behaviors for this modality. “Common Properties” apply.


Instant Messaging

INC WF Properties remark

No specific behaviors for this modality. “Common Properties” apply.



INC WF Properties remark

No specific behaviors for this modality. “Common Properties” apply.


External Task

INC WF Properties remark

No specific behaviors for this modality. “Common Properties” apply.


Input Customer

Input Customer

Input Customer (IVR)


Plays / Shows a prompt while allowing the caller to perform DTMF and chat inputs.

☝ Please Note

This action uses up to 10 exit nodes to react to customer input. When the corresponding prompt properties are not filled out, saving is not possible. 

Required Predecessor Accept
Advanced Routing Enterprise Routing  Contact Center
Modalities Audio / Video Instant Messaging Email External Task

Common Properties

💡 Some of the fields/properties are only shown when the corresponding option is toggled on.

Configurable Properties Description
Main Prompt Type
  • Text-to-Speech (with Language Select & Text Field)
  • Audio Resources.

🔍 Audio resources can be added via Configuration > Resources

Prompt Language Allows to select the locale / voice to use when using the Text-to-Speech engine.
Prompt Text Allows you to add text that will be read in the prompt language / locale.
Input during announcement              
( barge in )

When enabled: 

  • … the caller is allowed to enter DTMF input the moment the main prompt was started.
  • … the "Time to complete started input" timer starts immediately upon first input. Any prompts at this point are stopped.

When disabled: 

  • … the caller is allowed to enter DTMF input only afer the main prompt has played in full.
  • … the "Time to complete started input" timer starts after the main prompt.
Max Input Timeout              
( toggle )
Enables a maximum wait time to be specified in field below.
Max Input Timeout               
hh:mm:ss (default 00:00:30)

Maximum wait time for any caller response to be started.

  • Default 00:00:30
  • Min: 00:00:03
  • Max 00:30:00

💡 Once started the "Time to complete started input" field applies.

💡 If nothing was entered, the "No Recognition (NR)" exit node is used.

Time to complete started input              
hh:mm:ss (min 00:00:01, max 00:00:09)
Specifies the time the caller has to complete the next input.
Expected Input Description

A clear name for the exit node.

✅ You can add up to 10 nodes by clicking "Add Input" at the end this field group.


Allows to enter multiple DTMF tones / digits per exit node.

🔍 If a user hasn't entered all expected digits yet – or the input is ambiguous (expected input 1: 123, input 2: 12, the caller enteres "12") – the "Time to complete started input" applies before the DTMF is evaluated.

🔍 Unexpected key combinations are marked as as unclear and escalated with a “Wrong Input” prompt.

Missing Input Description
hh:mm:ss (default 00:00:10)
Time for the caller to enter input. Afterwards the 1st prompt is played.

1st Prompt  
2nd Prompt

Message to play when the input was not occurring in the timeout.

A selection of the following options: 

  • Text-to-Speech (with Language Select & Text Field)
  • Resources

🔍 Audio resources can be added via Configuration > Resources 

If User enters no input within the silence timeout:

  1. 1st Prompt → (if configured) does the following:
    1. Play "1st Prompt"
    2. otherwise play the “Main Prompt Text
  2. 2nd Prompt → (if configured) does the following:
    1. Play "2nd Prompt",
    2. Play "1st Prompt"
    3. otherwise play the "Main Prompt Text
Wrong Input Description

1st Prompt  
2nd Prompt

Message to play when the input was not recognized. 

A selection of the following options: 

  • Text-to-Speech (with Language Select & Text Field)
  • Resources

🔍 Audio resources can be added via Configuration > Resources 

If User enters a wrong input:

  1. 1st Prompt → (if configured) does the following:
    1. Play "1st Prompt"
    2. otherwise play the Main “Prompt Text
  2. 2nd Prompt → (if configured) does the following:
    1. Play "2nd Prompt",
    2. Play "1st Prompt"
    3. otherwise play the Main "Prompt Text"

Input Limitation

It is not possible for the caller to use the hash symbol (#) when entering input.


Manual Replacement of Input Customer with Input Customer (Advanced)

By right-clicking on the Input Customer workflow activity, you can replace it with Input Customer (Advanced):

💡 This only works in case the workflow doesn't have a workflow template with workflow or structure lock.

When replacing Input Customer with Input Customer (Advanced), all connections (entries and exits) and all values from all properties are preserved.

💡 It is currently not possible to downgrade from Input Customer (Advanced) to Input Customer.


Audio / Video

INC WF Properties remark

No specific behaviors for this modality. “Common Properties” apply.


Instant Messaging

Configurable Properties Description
Main Prompt Type Not applicable.
Prompt Language Not applicable.
Prompt Text Not applicable.
Input during announcement              
( barge in )
Not applicable.
Max Input Timeout              
( toggle )
Enables a maximum wait time to be specified in field below.
Max Input Timeout               
hh:mm:ss (default 00:00:30)

Maximum wait time for any chat response. The time of message receive applies:

  • Default 00:00:30
  • Min: 00:00:03
  • Max 00:30:00

💡 Once started the "Time to complete started input" field applies.

💡 If nothing was entered, the "No Recognition (NR)" exit node is used.

Time to complete started input              
hh:mm:ss (min 00:00:01, max 00:00:09)
Not applicable.
Expected Input Description

A clear name for the exit node.

✅ You can add up to 10 nodes by clicking "Add Input" at the end this field group.


Multi Line Text Box with Custom Parameters and System Fields and Parameters support.

  • If part of the parameters are resolved they are compared with the customer input. 
  • If none of the parameters could be resolved or is empty, the NR (not recognized) exit is taken immediately.
  • The evaluation will not be case sensitive, spaces at beginning and end are trimmed.

💡 Example: A customer secret is taken from a CRM and expected as an input from the customer to verify. Refer to Power Automate Use Case for examples on data retrieval. 


☝ Limitation: When the customer is chatting very fast, it could be that the "Input Customer" activity catches and evaluates the wrong input. We recommend to loop the NR (not recongized) exit on an extra "Chat" message, then back to the activity itself.

Missing Input Description
hh:mm:ss (default 00:00:10)

Time for the chat. Afterwards the 1st prompt is played.

  • Default 00:00:10
  • Min: 00:00:05
  • Max 01:00:00

1st Prompt  
2nd Prompt

Multi Line Text Box with Custom Parameters and System Fields and Parameters support.

If User enters no input within the timeout:

  1. 1st Prompt → (if configured) does the following:
    1. Show "1st Prompt"
    2. otherwise show the “Main Prompt Text
  2. 2nd Prompt → (if configured) does the following:
    1. Show "2nd Prompt",
    2. Show "1st Prompt"
    3. otherwise show the "Main Prompt Text
Wrong Input Description

1st Prompt  
2nd Prompt

Multi Line Text Box with Custom Parameters and System Fields and Parameters support.

If User enters a wrong input:

  1. 1st Prompt → (if configured) does the following:
    1. Play "1st Prompt"
    2. otherwise play the Main “Prompt Text
  2. 2nd Prompt → (if configured) does the following:
    1. Play "2nd Prompt",
    2. Play "1st Prompt"
    3. otherwise play the Main "Prompt Text"

Input Customer (Advanced)

Input Customer (Advanced)

Input Customer (Advanced) (IVR)


Plays/shows a prompt while allowing the caller to perform voice and DTMF input.

☝ Please Note

This action uses up to 10 exit nodes to react to customer input. When the corresponding prompt properties are not filled out, saving is not possible. 



You need to add and configure a Speech Recognizers (needed for voice analysis) first in order to use the voice input functionality.

Required Predecessor Accept
Enterprise Routing  Contact Center
Modalities Audio/Video Instant Messaging Email External Task


💡 Some of the fields/properties are only shown when the corresponding option is toggled on.

Configurable Properties Description
Main Prompt Type
  • Text-to-Speech (with Language Select & Text Field)
  • Audio Resources.

🔍 Audio resources can be added via Configuration > Resources

Prompt Language Allows to select the locale/voice to use when using the Text-to-Speech engine.
Prompt Text

Allows you to add text that will be read in the prompt language/locale.
You can use custom and system parameters in text-to-speech prompts. This way, it is easier to guide your customers properly through IVR.

To make use of the functionality, Add Parameters need to be enabled first. Once enabled, you can add custom and system parameters to your prompt text, e.g.:

Max Input Timeout               

Maximum wait time for any caller response to be started.

  • Default 00:00:30
  • Min: 00:00:03
  • Max 00:30:00

💡 Once started, the “Time to complete started voice input” / “Time to complete started DTMF input” field applies.

💡 If nothing was entered, the "No Recognition (NR)" exit node is used.


Voice Recognition (toggle) Allows text-to-speech input for the customer when toggled on.
Time to complete started voice input              

Specifies the time the caller has to make the voice input.

  • Default 00:00:02
  • Min: 00:00:01
  • Max 00:00:09
Speech Recognizer

The speech recognizer used for voice input processing.

🔍 Speech Recognizers can be added and configured via Configuration > Virtual Assistants > Speech Recognizers.

DTMF (toggle) Allows DTMF input for the customer when toggled on.
Time to complete started DTMF input              

Specifies the time the caller has to complete the next DTMF input.

  • Default 00:00:02
  • Min: 00:00:01
  • Max 00:00:09
Input during announcement              
(barge in)

When enabled: 

  • … the caller is allowed to enter DTMF input the moment the main prompt was started.
  • … the "Time to complete started input" timer starts immediately upon first input. Any prompts at this point are stopped.

When disabled: 

  • … the caller is allowed to enter DTMF input only afer the main prompt has played in full.
  • … the "Time to complete started input" timer starts after the main prompt.

Voice Input: Limitation by Microsoft 

Barging in (using voice input during announcement) is currently not possible. This is a limitation from Microsoft and there is currently no workaround. 

Regular “clean” DTMF input is not affected by this. We will update or remove this notice when suitable workarounds or improvements can be made.

Parameter to Save

Allows to store the customer's input (voice input or DTMF) to a custom parameter for further usage.
To do so, you can chose the custom parameter you want to use for storing the customer's input in the dropdown Parameter To Save. When a parameter is selected, the Save on No Recognition toggle becomes available.


Save on No Recognition

Will store customer inputs in a custom Parameter even if the No Recognition (NR) exit is taken.

  • If the Save on No Recognition toggle is enabled, the input is stored upon leaving the workflow activity through any of the exits.
  • If the Save on No Recognition toggle is disabled, the input is only stored upon leaving the activity through any of the recognized exits (when matching the input with the expectation).

General Limitation on voice inputs

If there is a silence on the caller's end, any noise recorded might still be considered as a “wrong” or “missing” input. This is a design limitation that can be caused by the static noise or phone system shortcomings outside of Nimbus control.

☝ For your later parameter validation within workflows, keep in mind that checking this option will override the parameter default value with anything that was picked up. → If you regularly encounter issues with erroneous customer inputs, we recommend using the Nimbus Power Automate Connector to store customer inputs to be later checked by an Agent / Supervisor, e.g. by showing the parameter in My Sessions or storing it in a list for later workflow improvements.

Expected Input Description

A clear name for the exit node.

✅ You can add up to 10 nodes by clicking "Add Input" at the end this field group.


Allows to enter multiple DTMF tones/digits per exit node.

🔍 If a user hasn't entered all expected digits yet – or the input is ambiguous (expected input 1: 123, input 2: 12, the caller enters "12") – the "Time to complete started input" applies before the DTMF is evaluated.

🔍 Unexpected key combinations are marked as as unclear and escalated with a “Wrong Input” prompt.

Voice Input

The voice input to be made by the customer. 

☝ Only single words are matched in expected input validation.

→ You can configure multiple expected keywords by providing a comma-separated list of keywords per exit. 

💡 There is no “fuzzy” logic to interpret words like “Sport, Sports, Sportive”, so you need to include them in a validation list as well.

→ Also refer to the best practice below for numerical and multi-language inputs.


Best Practice: Handling numerical voice inputs

From the Microsoft Speech-To-Text documentation

Inverse Text Normalization (ITN) is a process that converts spoken words into their written form. For example, the spoken word "four" is converted to the written form "4".

💡The Microsoft Speech-To-Text engine interprets spoken words in a fixed manner, meaning that you might not get an expected input “1” if the customer says “One”, you best handle all possibilities as one expected input list, e.g. “1, One”. 


💡When your Speech-Recognizer is set to be Multilingual, you need to cover those variants as a list, e.g. “Eins, Uno, One”.



Missing Input Description

Time for the caller to enter input. Afterwards the 1st prompt is played.

  • Default 00:00:06
  • Min: 00:00:05
  • Max 00:00:15

💡 Note: For voice input, the maximum recording time is timeout -3 seconds. The system needs this time to process and analyze the input.

1st Prompt 

2nd Prompt

Message to play when the input was not occurring in the timeout.

A selection of the following options: 

  • Text-to-Speech (with Language Select & Text Field)
  • Resources

🔍 Audio resources can be added via Configuration > Resources 

If User enters no input within the silence timeout:

  1. 1st Prompt → (if configured) does the following:
    1. Play "1st Prompt"
    2. otherwise play the “Main Prompt Text
  2. 2nd Prompt → (if configured) does the following:
    1. Play "2nd Prompt",
    2. Play "1st Prompt"
    3. otherwise play the "Main Prompt Text
Wrong Input Description

1st Prompt  
2nd Prompt

Message to play when the input was not recognized. 

A selection of the following options: 

  • Text-to-Speech (with Language Select & Text Field)
  • Resources

🔍 Audio resources can be added via Configuration > Resources 

If User enters a wrong input:

  1. 1st Prompt → (if configured) does the following:
    1. Play "1st Prompt"
    2. otherwise play the Main “Prompt Text
  2. 2nd Prompt → (if configured) does the following:
    1. Play "2nd Prompt",
    2. Play "1st Prompt"
    3. otherwise play the Main "Prompt Text"

Input Limitation

  • Voice input via PSTN call - Silence detection is currently not working for voice input when the calling from a PSTN. In this case, the maximum recording time is recorded. The maximum recording time is calculated as follows: missing input timeout -3 seconds (this time is needed to process and analyze the recording). Note that this is a limitation by Microsoft and there is currently no more optimal workaround possible.
  • DTMF input - It is not possible for the caller to use the hash symbol (#) when entering DTMF input.

Manual Replacement of Input Customer with Input Customer (Advanced)

By right-clicking on the Input Customer workflow activity, you can replace it with Input Customer (Advanced):

💡 This only works in case the workflow doesn't have a workflow template with workflow or structure lock.

When replacing Input Customer with Input Customer (Advanced), all connections (entries and exits) and all values from all properties are preserved.

💡 It is currently not possible to downgrade from Input Customer (Advanced) to Input Customer.


Mark as Handled

Mark as Handled

Mark as Handled


When this activity succeeded it will mark the task “Handled” for Reporting.

✅ How to use: 


  • This is a task terminating activity and should be followed-up upon with “Disconnect”.
  • No replies will be sent from this action. When handling via your mails exclusively via this activity, a prior “Reply” activity is recommended to let the customer know about this automated process, as Nimbus users are not informed about this activity outcome.
Required Predecessor Accept
Advanced Routing Enterprise Routing Contact Center
Modalities Audio / Video Instant Messaging Email External Task


Configurable Properties Description

Activity behavior

  • On Success: The mail is moved to the “Handled” folder of the originating Mailbox.
  • When Failed: The activity exit is taken, the mail is put in the “Failed” folder of the originating Mailbox.

Reporting: This activity has the same task-concluding effect if a user is clicking “Marked as Handled” in the My Sessions UI. However, the Nimbus Reporting Model outcome will differ: 

  • Via activity: Marked as Handled by Workflow.
  • Via user: Marked as Handled by User.




Description Sends an Text Message to the customer after a specified delay.
Required Predecessor Accept
Advanced Routing Enterprise Routing Contact Center
Modalities Audio / Video Instant Messaging Email External Task

Instant Messaging

Configurable Properties Description

Multi Line Text Box with Custom Parameters and System Fields and Parameters support.


Delay Time  

Will send the "Message" after the specified delay.

  • Default 00:00:01
  • Min: 00:00:01
  • Max 00:10:00

Play Music

Play Music

Play Music


Plays single sound or music Resources or a combined Playlists.

✅ This activity is recommended to be used in conjunction with a "Queue Task" activity. The default "Queue" activity already has a playlist setting. 

💡 If the same workflow activity is hit multiple times, the music is continued where it stopped before.

Required Predecessor Accept
Advanced Routing Enterprise Routing  Contact Center
Modalities Audio / Video Instant Messaging Email External Task

Common Properties

Configurable Properties Description
Resource Type

Allows to choose between resource types:

🔍 Playlists consists of one or multiple resources, defined via Configuration > Playlists.

Shuffle Playlist

( toggle, resource Type: “Playlist” only)

Will shuffle the entries in your playlist before playback.

( toggle )

Limits the duration for this step, depending on the "Resource Type" setting:

Duration Setting Result

Depending on “Resource Type”:

  • Playlist: Plays the list of files one after each other for the defined time. 💡 When "Shuffle Playlist" is enabled, the list will be shuffled prior to starting.
  • Resource: Play one file for the duration set. 💡If the time is bigger then the file, it is replayed.

☝ If no duration is configured, callers will hear music until they either terminate or get connected to a user.


Depending on “Resource Type”:

  • Playlist: Play the list of files one after each other, restart the list if the end is reached. 💡 When "Shuffle Playlist" is enabled, the list will be shuffled on each restart.
  • Resource: Play the one file, restart it if ended.
Determines how long the playlist or resource is played.

Audio / Video

INC WF Properties remark

No specific behaviors for this modality. “Common Properties” apply.






A HTML-formatted text box that allows to either reply to the sender and/or all CC-mentioned users.

Please Note: This is not a workflow-terminating activity. The workflow should continue afterwards, e.g. with a “Mark as Handled”, “Queue” or “Disconnect” activity for a clear Reporting session result.


Note: This activity will NOT inform the user that a reply has been sent. Use it to inform the customer that the mail is being processed in your workflow.


💡 An example reply text could be:

Hello $(Customer.DisplayName), Thank you for contacting $(Service.DisplayName).   

We are currently building your case and will email you with more information shortly. Please to not respond directly to this mail, as it was automatically generated.  

Regards, $(Service.DisplayName) team. 

Required Predecessor Accept
Advanced Routing Enterprise Routing Contact Center
Modalities Audio / Video Instant Messaging Email External Task


Configurable Properties Description
Reply Type

Mirrors the reply option available to users in My Sessions:

  • Reply - to original “From” sender only.
  • Reply All - to original “From” sender and all users mentioned in "CC".
Reply Text

A field for reply text in HTML. Supports Custom Parameters and/or System Fields and Parameters

Reply Text - Good to know:

Unlike other workflow activities the “Reply Text” box renders HTML text and will try to retain formatting pasted from external sources. 

💡Tip: You can use external HTML editors or your mailing software of choice to prepare HTML code to paste into this activity.

The HTML Text box supports:

  • Basic hotkeys e.g. for: CTRL+bold, italic and underlined text.
  • Text formatting for color and background.
  • Lists - numerical and unsorted.
  • Hyperlinks - URL converted as you type or hidden under text.
  • HTML Character codes and Emojis “💡😀☂”

Unsupported are layout-breaking elements such as:

  • Tables: (will be pasted as raw text)
  • Images: will be ignored


Activity Exits

This activity has two exits that will correspond to folders in the originating Mailboxes:

  • Failed: If the activity failed this indicates underlying problems with the mailbox. The activity itself will be treated as ignored. 
    ✅We recommend to Disconnect after the Failed exit to logically conclude the session. If you are using the Nimbus Power BI Template you can cross-check with the Nimbus Reporting Model  > Service Session > “Service session Outcomes” > “Workflow Disconnect” as it could indicate issues on a particular service or mailbox.
  • Replied: Exit taken when the mail reply has been successfully sent
    ✅We recommend to follow up with “Mark as Handled”, “Queue” or “Disconnect” activity.

Save to Parameter

Save to Parameter

Save to Parameter


Allows to store Nimbus System Fields and Parameters and/or text into a Custom Parameter of your choice.

You can extend this scenario further by including external systems via our Microsoft Power Automate Connector. Refer to our How to use the "Save to Parameter" workflow activity for an example and our Power Automate Use Cases further creative inspiration. 

Required Predecessor None. Relies on call Trigger Events to provide fields with actual content.
Advanced Routing Enterprise Routing  Contact Center
Modalities Audio / Video Instant Messaging Email External Task

Common Properties

Configurable Properties Description

The Parameter of your choice to store a value in.

🔍 Availabiltiy of parameters in the selection depends on the Organization Unit of your current workflow. Note that parameters can have a default value that is overwritten once this activity is reached.


A multiline textbox. Contents will be stored in your selected Parameter.


You can store a combined value of both Custom Parameters and/or System Fields and Parameters

To form complex validation chains you can combine "Save to Paramater" with previous data handling activities. For example:

  1. Add a "Collect Information" or " Input Customer " to get customer preferences first (e.g. Language, Type of Issue).
  2. Follow with one or several "Save Parameter" steps, e.g. to form a code combination made out of user inputs and optional system Fields and Parameters.
  3. End with a "Check Parameter" activity to ensure your output is correct, then route your workflow accordingly.

KNOWN LIMITATION: The values stored in "Save to Parameter" are text-type only. Any relation to previous variables and parameter names to create this saved output is lost after exiting this activity. We are aware that having dynamic nested parameters in other activities would be very useful and are working to extend this functionality with future updates.


Audio / Video

INC WF Properties remark

No specific behaviors for this modality. “Common Properties” apply.


Instant Messaging

INC WF Properties remark

No specific behaviors for this modality. “Common Properties” apply.



INC WF Properties remark

No specific behaviors for this modality. “Common Properties” apply.


External Task

INC WF Properties remark

No specific behaviors for this modality. “Common Properties” apply.


Standby Duty

Standby Duty

Standby Duty

INC Beta Feature

This feature is in BETA status. Functionality, design, and scope may change significantly over time.

Description Allows you to handle incoming calls outside of working hours by defining a list of standby duty numbers to be called.
Required Predecessor Accept
Advanced Routing Enterprise Routing  Contact Center
Modalities Audio / Video Instant Messaging Email External Task

Common Properties

Configurable Properties


Destination Type
  • Direct Entry: If selected, you can specify up to 10 phone numbers (delimited by semicolon) in the field Destination List below.
  • Custom Parameter:  If selected, you can choose a Custom Parameter (containing a phone number or a list of multiple phone numbers) in the field Custom Parameter below.
Destination List / Custom Parameter
  • Destination List: Shown when Destination Type Direct Entry is selected. In the field Destination List, you can specify up to 10 phone numbers (delimited by semicolon).
  • Custom Parameter: Shown when Destination Type Custom Parameter is selected. You can select a parameter that contains a phone number or a list of phone numbers to be used in the activity.
RONA Timeout

Specifies the time the system uses to ring a phone number from the specified list (Destination List or Custom Parameter), then switches to the next phone number in the list.

  • Default: 00:00:30
  • Min: 00:00:05
  • Max: 00:00:55
Max Attempt Cycles Defines the number of times going through the list of phone numbers (Destination List or Custom Parameter) until one destination accepts the call by confirming.
Resource Type
  • Playlist
  • Resource

Sets a waiting playlist / audio resource for to the caller while in queue.

🔍 Playlists and Resources (music) can be added and defined in Configuration.

Confirmation Description
Prompt Type
  • Text-to-Speech (with Language Select & Text Field)
  • Audio Resources.

🔍 Audio resources can be added via Configuration > Resources 

Add Parameters When enabled, parameters can be added and used in the prompt text.
Prompt Language Allows to select the locale/voice to use when using the Text-to-Speech engine.
Prompt Text

Allows you to add text that will be read in the prompt language/locale for the called standby duty contact.  
You can use custom and system parameters in text-to-speech prompts.

To make use of the functionality, Add Parameters need to be enabled first. Once enabled, you can add custom and system parameters to your prompt text

Resource ✅ Only shown when "Prompt Type" = Resource is selected.
Confirmation DTMF The confirmation that the called standby duty can make with a DTMF tone.
Confirmation During Announcement
  • When enabled, allow to enter DTMF tone during the prompt.
  • When disabled, do not allow to enter DTMF tone during the prompt.
Limit Confirmation Timeout
  • When enabled, you can set the desired confirmation timeout in the field Confirmation Timeout below.
  • When disabled, max. 00:00:30 is waited for the confirmation.

Confirmation Timeout


Max waiting time for confirmation.

  • Default: 00:00:05
  • Min: 00:00:05
  • Max: 00:00:30

Audio / Video

INC WF Properties remark

No specific behaviors for this modality. “Common Properties” apply.






Transfers the task to another service, user (within same tenant) or target SIP-address.

  • Exits if the transfer to the target was not successful (either "declined" or "timeout"). 
  • A transfer results in a new session reporting in the new service. The old task will be closed and concluded a result. → Also see “ Transfer Task Results “ in the ”Common Properties” Tab below.
Required Predecessor Accept
Advanced Routing Enterprise Routing  Contact Center
Modalities Audio / Video Instant Messaging Email External Task

Common Properties

Configurable Properties Description

Allows you to define a transfer destination. 

The target choices and behavior depends on the Modalities set in your Service workflow. Please refer to the other tabs for further tips and limitations.


Depending on modality, the choices of this parameter are: 

  • Custom Parameter . Requires a valid UPN / E.164 PSTN as transfer destination.              
  • Service Line as transfer destination.
    ☝Note that same-service transfers are not supported and result in the session being ended with a “Declined by Workflow when no Queue” result in the Nimbus Reporting Model. 
  • an internal User to transfer to.         
  • an external SIP, UPN or PSTN / Phone number. 

Target Validity Checks

💡 Please note that this activity does not perform target validity checks. Values must be well-formatted. 

In case of an unknown or wrongly formatted target – including UPN / PSTN number format incorrectness – the "Failed" exit is taken. 

Show me how to verify this

To ensure your transfer is done correctly, precede with a "Check Parameter" step depending on what scenario you expect in the parameter content:

Check Scenario Regex Check Parameter Activity
UPN (Service or Teams User)

Use a custom parameter with a regular expression as follows:

^[^ @}+@.$



Route to a PSTN Number

Use a custom parameter with a regular expression as follows:


💡 Please note that the "Check Parameter" Activity will take the first valid Regex Check exit note.              
☝ Make sure to handle "No Match" and "Not Set" exits as well, e.g. by ...

  • ... trying to retrieve the parameter input again
  • ... adding additional "Check Parameter" steps or checks.
  • ... by routing the call to the normal queue (without a preferred Agent).

🔎Here are some examples of Regular Expressions you can use.

Leave Nimbus

✅Available if the target is External or any O365 user

  • Picking a user enables the "Transfer to Voicemail" option. 
  • There is no control of outbound invitation timeouts and no waiting music.
  • On Transfer Nimbus considers the current Reporting session as terminated. Once a task is leaving Nimbus, there will be no further reporting about the continuation of this task. 
  • Unsuccessful transfers will be returned and the "Failed" exit is taken.


This option has the following behavior for external transfers:

  • When enabled the original session gets transferred over. The transfer destination will then see the ID of the original customer.
  • When disabled the transfer destination gets invited to a conference session, which was organized by the Nimbus service. The target will then see the ID of the Nimbus service.
(hh:mm:ss, max 00:00:55)

✅ Available if the target is a user or parameter.

When the timeout criteria is met, the transfer is aborted ("Failed" exit is taken).

Waiting Music 

Allows to choose a playlist (default) or a single resource to play.

🔍 Playlists and Resources can be uploaded and defined within the Configuration.

  • If the target is not a service line and waiting music is configured, it will be played until the call was accepted or cancelled.
  • It the music file reaches its end, it's played on repeat.

Transfer Task Results

Transfer task results – used for Nimbus KPI Calculations and the Reporting service / user task model – can depend on the following transcripts:

Show details...



Transfer Task considered as handled

Customer Hangup Before Accept Customer hung up the call before it was accepted ❌False
Customer Hangup In IVR          
Customer Hangup In IVR after queue
Customer hung up the call before it was put into the queue once ❌ False
Customer Hangup In Queue Customer hang up the call during the time the task was enqueued ❌ False
User Accepted User accepted the task and was connected to the customer ✅ True
User Internal Transfer Success User accepted the task and transferred it to another service Line or user ✅ True
User External Transfer Success User accepts the task and transferred to a non service line or user ✅ True
Workflow Disconnect After Queue          
Workflow Disconnect          
System Failure
Workflow terminates the call after it was put once into the queue          
Workflow terminates the call, which was never put into the queue          
Something went really bad, including Microsoft infrastructure outage
❌ False          
❌ False          
❌ False
Workflow Conversation Recorded Workflow recorded a voice message / mail ✅ True
Workflow Internal Transfer Successful Workflow transferred the call to another Service Line Successful ✅ True
Workflow Internal Transfer Failed Workflow couldn't transfer the call to another Service Line ❌ False
Workflow External Transfer Successful Workflow transferred the call successful to a non service line target ✅ True
Workflow External Transfer Failed Workflow couldn't transfer the call to a non Service Line target ❌ False

Audio / Video

Configurable Properties Description

Allows you to define a transfer destination, with a choice between: 

Target Description
Custom Parameter
  • Requires a valid UPN / E.164 PSTN as transfer destination.               
    🔍 The behavior will be different depending on target:
    • Service: When the parameter is matching a Nimbus service, it will be treated like an internal service transfer. Timeout and music on hold playlist are ignored. Reporting treats this as "Service Transfer".
    • Known User: When the parameter is matching an internal user, it will be treated like any internal target. Timeout and music on hold playlist are considered. Reporting treats this as "Internal Transfer".
    • Unknown User: When the target is valid, but not recognized as internal user or service, it will be treated as external target. Timeout, music on hold playlist, and leave Nimbus flags are ignored. Reporting treats this as "External Transfer".
Nimbus Service You can search for Service Lines of the same Nimbus tenant. 
Nimbus User

You can search for Users of the same O365 tenant

  • Nimbus users are considered as an "Internal Transfer"
  • Other users are considered as “External Transfer”
External  You can specify an external SIP, UPN or PSTN / Phone number.  



  • A transfer uses the external caller number (ID) as long as the call has not been escalated to a conference. A conference is created as soon as a Nimbus user joins a call (e.g. via queue distribution).
  • If an incoming caller is internally transferred from service 1 to service 2 - with external transfer configured on service 2 - the number of service 1 is carried forward.

Federated transfers to users in another tenant are currently not supported.


INC Transfer to PSTN Limitation


Out of the box, Nimbus and related addons can only perform PSTN transfers according to Microsoft's licensing and constraints.

Which PSTN license do I need to acquire?

As of 2023, "Microsoft Teams Phone Standard" licenses are no longer supported by Microsoft. Previously, those licenses were viable for Nimbus. Regardless if you are using Direct Routing, Calling Plans, Operator Connect, the "Microsoft Teams Phone Resource Account" license is now always required. 

Your Setup Required License
Direct Routing "Microsoft Teams Phone Resource Account"
Calling Plan "Microsoft Teams Phone Resource Account"
+ "Microsoft Teams Domestic Calling Plan" or "Microsoft Teams Domestic and International Calling Plan" or "Microsoft Teams Calling Plan pay-as-you-go"
+ "Communication Credits" (if these aren't already included as part of your plan)
Operator Connect
"Microsoft Teams Phone Resource Account"

Please note that Luware staff cannot give recommendations on which license plan is best suited for your needs. Depending on your scenario, additional Teams App licenses may be required. Exact details are to be discussed with your Microsoft contacts.

Also see:


How does PSTN licensing affect service and call transfers?

Assuming that Service A has a PSTN license assigned - but further Services don't - the following scenario may unfold:

Scenario A - Service A workflow is configured to transfer the caller to Service B. The license of Service A is used, the PSTN transfer occurs. The PSTN license is re-used throughout further transfers to Services C...D…x…and so on.

Scenario B - Service B is called directly instead. Now the workflow of Service B attempts a redirect to either service A or transfer to C. The PSTN transfer fails due to a missing license on Service B.


  • For one first-level-response service: If you handle first-response calls always via the same service, you need a PSTN license for that particular first-level service.
  • For multiple first-level-response services: If you handle first-response calls always via multiple services, you need a PSTN license for all those first-level services .
  • Nimbus will attempt to use the PSTN license of the first service that responded to a call, regardless of how many further internal service transfers are performed thereafter.
  • If no PSTN license is found on a service that requires it for a transfer, the transfer task will be considered as failed and treated accordingly by the system (e.g. workflow exit announcement, reporting "transfer failed" outcome).

☝Note that handling and tracking of running cost for PSTN licenses is outside of the Luware support scope. If you require assistance in extending and/or configuring your Nimbus services for PSTN, our support will gladly assist you:

Luware Support Address

 Luware Website
Luware Helpdesk 
Cloud Service Status
Luware support contact details

INC Transfer to Teams Auto Attendant and Call Queues Limitation


Transfers towards the UPNs of Teams-native Auto Attendants’ or Call Queues’ Resource Accounts will fail. Based on the PSTN connectivity option used, transfers towards the Resource Accounts' assigned phone numbers will work as summarized in the table below.

Transfer Type Direct Routing Calling Plan Operator Connect
Attendant - Safe Transfer  🛠
Attendant - Blind Transfer 
Attendant - Consultation Call  🛠

Workflow Conversation Handling Activities  > Transfer > “Leave Nimbus”  disabled


Workflow Conversation Handling Activities  > Transfer > “Leave Nimbus”  enabled

🤔 Why are transfers failing? This is caused by Microsoft Teams limitations with regards to what voice applications (such as Call Queues, Auto Attendants, and Nimbus) are allowed to do, and cannot be circumvented by Nimbus.

🛠 For these transfer types to work, Reverse Number Lookup (RNL) has to be disabled in the Resource Account's Phone Number Assignment. RNL can be disabled by executing the following Teams PowerShell command:

Set-CsPhoneNumberAssignment -PhoneNumber <phone number assigned to the CQ/AA resource account> -ReverseNumberLookup SkipInternalVoip

⮑ After disabling RNL for a Phone Number Assignment, Teams will automatically forward the call to the Direct Routing SBC, which then needs to redirect it toward the Resource Account of the Call Queue or Auto Attendant.

Leave Nimbus

✅ Available if the target is external or any O365 user. 

  • Picking a user enables the "Transfer to Voicemail" option. 
  • There is no control of outbound invitation timeouts and no waiting music.
  • On Transfer Nimbus considers the current Reporting call session as terminated. Once a call is leaving Nimbus, there will be no further reporting about the continuation of the call. 
  • Unsuccessful transfers will be returned and the "Failed" exit is taken.


This option has the following behavior for external transfers:

  • When enabled the original call session gets transferred over. The transfer destination will then see the caller ID of the original caller.
  • When disabled the transfer destination gets invited to a conference session, which was organized by the Nimbus service. The target will then see the caller ID of the Nimbus service.
Transfer to Voicemail

✅ Available when the target is a MS Teams user and "Leave Nimbus" is enabled:

  • With voicemail enabled: the caller will directly hear the announcement to leave a message. The target will not receive a ringing toast, but instead get a voicemail notification within MS Teams.
  • With voicemail disabled: the call will attempt to ring at the target instead. If the target declines, ignores or is busy the "Failed" exit is taken.

☝No voicemail feature “Check-ahead”

Currently there is no way to check ahead if a (target) user has voicemail features enabled


No workaround: This is a design limitation by Microsoft which Nimbus currently cannot circumvent. 

Additionally the voicemail feature may also be deactivated as tenant-wide IT policy by your administrator. There are also known cases where Microsoft accepts transfers to voicemail but the recipient has no means to check (e.g. MS Teams Client / License restrictions). 

→ We highly recommend using this feature ONLY in cases where you can ensure that voicemail is enabled for the Microsoft Teams user being transferred to.

(hh:mm:ss, max. 00:00:55)

✅ Available if the target is a user or parameter.

When the timeout criteria is met, the transfer is aborted (the "Failed" exit is taken).

Waiting Music

Allows to choose a playlist (default) or a single resource to play


🔍 Playlists and Resources can be uploaded and defined within the Configuration.

  • If the target is not a service line and waiting music is configured, it will be played until the call was accepted or cancelled.
  • It the music file reaches its end, it's played on repeat.

Instant Messaging

✅ Target Service Modalities Service Settings dependency:

  • Only Services with Instant Messaging modality enabled in their Modalities Service Settings are selectable in this list.
  • If a Service has the Instant Messaging modality not activated (anymore), the "Failed" exit is taken. 
  • In case of a deactivated required modality on the service, a warning is shown on the entry.
Configurable Properties Description

Allows you to transfer an Instant Messaging session to other Nimbus services.

Leave Nimbus

Not applicable.

Transfer to Voicemail

Not applicable.

Not applicable.
Waiting Music   Not applicable.

External Task

✅ Target Service Modalities Service Settings dependency:

  • Only Services with External Task modality enabled in their Modalities Service Settings are selectable in this list.
  • If a Service has the External Task modality not activated (anymore), the "Failed" exit is taken. 
  • In case of a deactivated required modality on the service, a warning is shown on the entry.
Configurable Properties Description

Allows you to transfer an External Task to other Nimbus services.

🔍 Microsoft Power Automate Connector - External tasks can be identified by Service Session ID as well as Unified Session ID, and deleted via " RemoveExternalTask" Flow Action.

Leave Nimbus

Not applicable.

Transfer to Voicemail

Not applicable.

Not applicable.
Waiting Music   Not applicable.



Voice Message

Voice Message

Voice Message


Allows the caller to record a voice message. Exits when the maximum recording time is reached.

🔎 Within the Nimbus Reporting Model this is tracked as Static Dimension > Service Session  > “Workflow Conversation Recorded”.

Licensing Note: The Voice Message feature is only available for MS-Teams based Service Types with Advanced Routing or Enterprise Routing license. These services can have a dedicated channel for posting Adaptive Cards, specified in the service's Modalities Service Settings.


The Voice Message feature is not available for cross-team Contact Center services, as no single MS Teams channel can be attributed for clear permission-handling of  (potentially highly data-sensitive) recorded messages. 


🔎 If you need more control over your recordings, including data retention and historic tracking, visit our Compliance Recording solutions page for more details.

Required Predecessor Accept
Advanced Routing Enterprise Routing  Contact Center
Modalities Audio / Video Instant Messaging Email External Task

Common Properties

Configurable Properties Description
Play Recording Tone            

Plays a beep tone.

💡 First action if this activity is reached.

Maximum Recording time            

Starts the recording for the configured time span. Maximum 2 min. Afterwards the call is terminated.

💡 A caller has the chance to terminate the conversation earlier.


Will send a message to the service chat channel within MS Teams. 

Example Message: 

Voice message has been received from $(Customer.FirstName) $(Customer.LastName) / $(Caller.TelNumber)

🔍 The content can also be with Custom Parameters or System Fields and Parameters, like:

CustomerFirstName, string
CustomerLastName, string
CustomerCompany, string
CustomerTitle, string
CustomerDepartment, string
CustomerStreetAddress, string
CustomerPostcode, string
CustomerCity, string
CustomerState, string
CustomerCountry, string
+System / Custom Parameter

Allows the use of custom Custom Parameters and System Parameters, in the message field.

Interactions with Power Automate Flows 

When involving Nimbus Power Automate Connector, Trigger Events related to this workflow need to occur before the Voice Message Adaptive Cards is posted. Trigger Events cause the Flow Actions to execute and update your Custom Parameters

Both Custom and System Parameters are replaced with actual data once the workflow activity is executed


Interactions with Adaptive Cards 

Once the "Voice Message" activity is finished

  • An Adaptive Card is sent to the Teams Channel with the Message and the recorded Audio File being directly accessible.            
  • SIP and phone parameters are added with a hyperlink.

By default the message state is: "New". This status updates according to the actions from any of your service users:

  • Any service user an set from the status from “New” or “Solved” to "Listened" . → A message "Listened by <name>" is added.
  • Any service user can set the message to "Solved". → The message is set to "Listened" and a message "Solved by <name>" is added.

Audio / Video

INC WF Properties remark

No specific behaviors for this modality. “Common Properties” apply.



Check Activities

This page lists all Workflow activities that checking on an existing service status, e.g. by service queue availability or Opening Hours, queue position, or based on a previously stored Parameter values. 

💡Note that activities below are listed in alphabetical order, which is not necessarily the order of their intended use.


Availability-based Routing

Availability-based Routing

Availability-based Routing


Allows to route the call based on overall service availability, considering the User States of all available users.

Required Predecessor None - can work even without accepting a call (e.g. to Transfer to Service, Accept Conversation or Disconnect Conversation immediately)
Advanced Routing Enterprise Routing  Contact Center
Modalities Audio / Video Instant Messaging Email External Task

Common Properties

Configurable Properties Description

Allows to select the target Service (within your tenant) for which the availability check and routing is performed for.

💡 Leaving this at "Current Service" will dynamically check the status of the service currently using this workflow. This allows for multiple services to use the same workflow with an "Availability based Routing" step without having to adapt the step's properties individually to their needs. 

💡 You can use this workflow step multiple times within the same workflow check different services simultaneously, e.g. to achieve an availability-based escalation and routing routine.

Example: using "Current Service" setting on shared workflows
Error: 404
Current Availability                  
(Node Exits)

The activity has 3 exits based on the current overall team status (look-ahead). The availability depends on the User assignment type of your Service.

🤔 How can I determin the type of service I'm in? Team owners can access Distribution Service Settings and inspect the "User Assignment Type". Note that this type is determined during Service Provisioning and cannot be changed.

Service Availability (Exit condition) MS Teams-based Service Skill-based Service
No One Available All users are inactive – or active but set "offline" in MS Teams) No users online or available within the service's Distribution Policy levels.
In Time Available All active users are not immediately available e.g. "DND/Away/Busy" or when occupied by another call. No users in the 1st Distribution Policy level are not available, but in any other levels users are available.
Direct Available At least 1 user is available MS Teams presence set "available" and also set to "active" in Nimbus). At least one in the 1st Distribution Policy is available and ready to take a task.
🔍 Notes
  • The "Active" state toggle in a team can make users unavailable regardless of MS Teams presence.                  
  • Additionally, MS Teams Presence also impacts the service availabiltiy. See note below.
  • The Duty States toggle for each user determines a user's currently applicable Responsibility Profile considered for skill based distribution.                  
  • Additionally, MS Teams Presence also impacts the service availabiltiy. See note below.


You can adjust Distribution Service Settings to include / exclude users from the availability count, based on their MS Teams presence state.




Audio / Video

INC WF Properties remark

No specific behaviors for this modality. “Common Properties” apply.


Instant Messaging

INC WF Properties remark

No specific behaviors for this modality. “Common Properties” apply.



INC WF Properties remark

No specific behaviors for this modality. “Common Properties” apply.


External Task

INC WF Properties remark

No specific behaviors for this modality. “Common Properties” apply.


Check Opening Hours

Check Opening Hours

Check Opening Hours

Description Performs a check on the current Opening Hours calendar applied to the service and exits accordingly.
Required Predecessor None - can work even without accepting a call (e.g. to Transfer to Service, Accept Conversation or Disconnect Conversation immediately)
Advanced Routing Enterprise Routing  Contact Center
Modalities Audio / Video Instant Messaging Email External Task

Common Properties

Configurable Properties Description


Will exit based on currently active Opening Hour rule currently in effect for your General Service Settings.

  • Exits match the period types of opening hours (open, closed, holiday, special 1-4), allowing you to branch out your workflow accordingly.
  • If no opening hours are defined the "default" exit on this activity is taken.

🔍 Notes on Opening Hours:

  • If no opening hours calendar is defined in your General Service Settings, the "Default" exit in your activity is taken.
  • Once created, an Opening Hour calendar must have a default opening state (e.g. "Closed") assigned. 
  • If both primary and secondary opening hours are defined in your General Service Settings, precedence rules apply:
 Click here to learn more...

☝ General recommendation: The safe bet is to handle all exits on your workflow activity, as you you may lose tasks otherwise.

Ensure to handle all cases in your activity 

Audio / Video

INC WF Properties remark

No specific behaviors for this modality. “Common Properties” apply.


Instant Messaging

INC WF Properties remark

No specific behaviors for this modality. “Common Properties” apply.



INC WF Properties remark

No specific behaviors for this modality. “Common Properties” apply.


External Task

INC WF Properties remark

No specific behaviors for this modality. “Common Properties” apply.


Check Parameter

Check Parameter

Check Parameter

Description Allows to check and react on system Fields and custom Parameters.
Required Predecessor None - responds to parameters updated during Trigger Events.
Advanced Routing Enterprise Routing  Contact Center
Modalities Audio / Video Instant Messaging Email External Task

Common Properties

Configurable Properties Description
Parameter Type

Offers a choice between:

Custom Type

🔍 Dependent on the "parameter type" selected:

  • A list of Nimbus Fields and Parameters
  • Custom Parameter of the following type:
    • Context--> $(CustomContextParameters.<Name>)
    • Customer Field --> $(Customer.CustomFields.<Name>)
    • Customer Telephone --> Numbers $(Customer.TelNumbers.<Name>)

✅ Only shown when "parameter type" = Custom is selected. 

Allows you to define the a name used for the parameter. This name must match the dynamic value when using the Nimbus Microsoft Power Automate Connector.              
💡 Note that the parameter name depends on your "Custom Type" choice above, e.g. $(Customer.CustomFields.YourExampleName)

Checks (Regex Validation)

Allows to define one or many Regular Expressions checks on the "parameter type / name" chosen above.

☝ Checks will be performed in your defined order. The first valid check will determine the activity exit. Any further matching expressions are ignored.

Regular Expressions cannot be empty. By default ".*" will allow anything as a parameter content = Parameter is present.

No Match

Taken when none of the provided Regular Expressions matches.

Not Set

Taken when either criteria applies:

  • Parameter value is "null", empty or the parameter does not exist.
  • Also takes this exit if the activity is turned off.
Check 1.....n

Check if the value of the parameter matches one of the Regex validations. 

💡 By default 1 "Check 1" exit is defined and required. Up to 10 can be defined each with individual node exits. 


The following criteria applies:

  • Reading direction of Checks 1…n from “left to right”.
  • Exits the on the first successful validation node.

💡Tip: If you need to handle more parameters, You can also chain several "Check Parameter" activities.


Audio / Video

INC WF Properties remark

No specific behaviors for this modality. “Common Properties” apply.


Instant Messaging

INC WF Properties remark

No specific behaviors for this modality. “Common Properties” apply.



INC WF Properties remark

No specific behaviors for this modality. “Common Properties” apply.


External Task

INC WF Properties remark

No specific behaviors for this modality. “Common Properties” apply.


Get Available Users

Get Available Users

Get Available Users

Description Performs a lookahead-check on the users / Agents available in a Nimbus service and stores the value in a Parameter.
Required Predecessor None
Advanced Routing Enterprise Routing  Contact Center
Modalities Audio / Video Instant Messaging Email External Task

Common Properties

Configurable Properties Description

Can either be the "Current Service" – e.g. in workflows used by multiple services – or a specific service.

Custom Parameter

✅ Requires at least one Parameter to be defined and available as selectable "placeholder" under the same Organization Unit (or higher up to Tenant level).

🔍 This activity stores output into a custom Parameter for processing, which can then be used within the same workflow (e.g. a " Check Parameter " activity). Note that the parameter's default value is being overwritten once it passes through this activity.

Once this activity is reached, it checks the number of available users of the specified Service:

  •  For MS Teams team-based Services all available team members are considered.
  • For Contact Center Services only available users in thefirst Distribution Policy level are taken into consideration.

→ For more information, read our pages on Service Type and the according User assignment method.


Audio / Video

INC WF Properties remark

No specific behaviors for this modality. “Common Properties” apply.


Instant Messaging

INC WF Properties remark

No specific behaviors for this modality. “Common Properties” apply.



INC WF Properties remark

No specific behaviors for this modality. “Common Properties” apply.


External Task

INC WF Properties remark

No specific behaviors for this modality. “Common Properties” apply.


Get Queue Position

Get Queue Position

Get Queue Position

Description Performs a lookahead-check on the (potential) queue position in a Nimbus service and stores the value in a Parameter.
Required Predecessor None - responds to parameters updated during Trigger Events.
Advanced Routing Enterprise Routing  Contact Center
Modalities Audio / Video Instant Messaging Email External Task

Common Properties

Configurable Properties Description

Can either be the "Current Service" for workflows commonly used by multiple services or a specific service.

Custom Parameter

✅ Requires at least one Parameter to be defined and available as selectable "placeholder" under the same Organization Unit (or higher up to Tenant level).

🔍 This activity stores output into a custom Parameter for processing, which can then be used within the same workflow (e.g. a " Check Parameter " activity). Note that the parameter's default value is being overwritten once it passes through this activity.

Once this activity is reached, it checks the number of available users of the specified Service

  •  If the call was already added in queue (-→ "Queue Task" activity) the current position is saved into the parameter.
  • If call was not added, the queue length +1 of the selected "Service" is saved into the parameter.

💡 By default this activity does not create a "visible" outcome. We recommend to follow up with a "Check Parameter" activity and route your customers according to the queue position value (e.g. add further announcement, voicemail, play music activities).


Audio / Video

INC WF Properties remark

No specific behaviors for this modality. “Common Properties” apply.


Instant Messaging

INC WF Properties remark

No specific behaviors for this modality. “Common Properties” apply.



INC WF Properties remark

No specific behaviors for this modality. “Common Properties” apply.


External Task

INC WF Properties remark

No specific behaviors for this modality. “Common Properties” apply.


Wait for Parameter

Wait for Parameter

Wait for Parameter

Description Adds a wait time to the workflow to allow external systems to update a previously defined Parameters.
Required Predecessor None
Advanced Routing Enterprise Routing  Contact Center
Modalities Audio / Video Instant Messaging Email External Task

Common Properties

✅ Condition: The Nimbus Power Automate Connector "Update Task" Flow Action needs to be involved for this activity to detect parameter changes. 

Upon entering the activity, a comparison against the default value of the Parameter is made:

  • When the Parameter already differs from the default or gets updated anywhere within the specified "Max Waiting Time" - the "Updated" exit is taken.
  • When the "Max Waiting time" is reached, the "Timeout Reached" exit is taken, regardless of any (later) parameter updates.
  • When the activity is disabled the "Max Wait time" will be ignored and the "Timeout Reached" exit is taken immediately upon reaching this activity.

☝ Note: Any change is considered as an update - without validation. A follow-up "Check Parameter" activity is therefore strongly recommended to validate the output with Regular Expressions.

Configurable Properties Description
Parameter Type

Currently locked to previously "Custom Parameters". To be defined and available as selectable "Custom Type" parameter.

Custom Type

🔍 Dependent on the "parameter type" selected:

  • A list of Nimbus Fields and Parameters
  • Custom Parameter of the following type:
    • Context--> $(CustomContextParameters.<Name>)
    • Customer Field --> $(Customer.CustomFields.<Name>)
    • Customer Telephone --> Numbers $(Customer.TelNumbers.<Name>)

✅ Only shown when "parameter type" = Custom is selected. 

Allows you to define the a name used for the parameter. This name must match the dynamic value when using the Nimbus Power Automate Connector.
💡 Note that the parameter name depends on your "Custom Type" choice above, e.g. $(Customer.CustomFields.YourExampleName

Max Waiting Time
  • Default: 5 seconds
  • Max: 1 mins
  • Min: 1 sec

 💡When "Max Wait time" is reached (or this activity is disabled), the "Timeout Reached" exit is taken.

Play Announcement (optional)

Plays an announcement during the wait time. Default: disabled

  • TTS / resource
  • preview of music
Announcement Type
  • Text-to-Speech (with Language Select & Text Field)
  • Audio Resources.

✅  Audio resources can be added via Configuration > Resources 

Add Parameters            
( Toggle )

Will allow the use of Custom Parameters and System Fields and Parameters in the "Prompt Text" Field. 


 💡 Note that with this option enabled the will "Preplay" feature is disabled as parameters are dynamically resolved during a call.

Prompt Language Allows to select the locale / voice to use when using the Text-to-Speech engine.
Prompt Text

✅   Only shown when Announcement Type = Text to Speech is selected. 

  • Allows you to add text to the box that will be read in the prompt language / locale.
  • The announcement can be a mixture of text and Custom Parameters and System Fields and Parameters.
  • Announcements will be generated on-the-fly and cached if continuously re-used.

Audio / Video

INC WF Properties remark

No specific behaviors for this modality. “Common Properties” apply.



Queue Activities

This page lists all Workflow activities that take influence on the Nimbus Service Task Queue and Distribution. Note that Distribution Service Settings of your services (e.g. Conversation Distribution, Task Priority, ACW, RONA) share dependencies with these activities.

💡Note that activities below are listed in alphabetical order, which is not necessarily the order of their intended use.



Several queues during the same session are not supported. If a task enters the queue once (with the Queue or the Queue Task activity), it can't enter it again. Using multiple Queue/Queue Task activities subsequently might therefore lead to undesirable behavior.


Cancel Task

Cancel Task

Cancel Task


Cancels a pending task and all ongoing connection attempts.

Usage Conditions: 

  • Can be placed anywhere in the workflow, but requires one preceeding “Queue Task”.
  • Requires a succeeding “Disconnect” activity.
Required Predecessor Accept →  Queue Task (anywhere prior in the workflow)
Advanced Routing Enterprise Routing  Contact Center
Modalities Audio / Video Instant Messaging Email External Task

Common Properties

Configurable Properties Description
None ☝ Important: If the task is currently ongoing with an assigned user, the service task is marked as "Abandoned" in Reporting.

Audio / Video

INC WF Properties remark

No specific behaviors for this modality. “Common Properties” apply.

Tip: Start with a Workflow Template

You can find a basic example on how to use “Queue, Check, Cancel Task”  type activities by starting with our “Queue IVR Voicemail” Workflow Template.

Start a new workflow with the “Queue IVR Voicemail” system template

Instant Messaging

INC WF Properties remark

No specific behaviors for this modality. “Common Properties” apply.



INC WF Properties remark

No specific behaviors for this modality. “Common Properties” apply.


External Task

INC WF Properties remark

No specific behaviors for this modality. “Common Properties” apply.


Check Task

Check Task

Check Task


Checks the current state of the task and takes exit paths accordingly.

Usage Conditions: 

  • Can be placed anywhere in the workflow, but requires one preceeding “Queue Task”.
  • Multiple “Check Task” activities can be used in the same workflow.
  • Requires one succeeding “Cancel Task” activity to work.
Required Predecessor Accept →  Queue Task (anywhere prior in the workflow)
Advanced Routing Enterprise Routing  Contact Center
Modalities Audio / Video Instant Messaging Email External Task

Common Properties

Configurable Properties Description
Queue Time Limit         

Sets the allowed maximum time limit.

Connection Attempts         

Enables an attempt check for this task. (Call ringing or Chat request to any user, counting the total attempts made).

🔍 Rules in the info box below apply.

Connection Attempts         

✅ Shown when attempts are enabled.

Sets the amount of maximum connection attempts to users.

Exit Criteria Rules

  • If one "Limit" criteria is met first, the "Limit Reached" exit is taken.
  • The "Limit Not Reached" exit is taken when: 
    • Both options are disabled.
    • There is no task in queue during this step.

Audio / Video

INC WF Properties remark

No specific behaviors for this modality. “Common Properties” apply.

Tip: Start with a Workflow Template

Multiple “Check Task” activities can be used in a workflow,  e.g. in between "Play Music", "Input Customer", "Get Queue Position"

You can find a basic example on how to use “Queue, Check, Cancel Task”  type activities by starting with our “Queue IVR Voicemail” Workflow Template.

Start a new workflow with the “Queue IVR Voicemail” system template

Instant Messaging

INC WF Properties remark

No specific behaviors for this modality. “Common Properties” apply.



INC WF Properties remark

No specific behaviors for this modality. “Common Properties” apply.


External Task

INC WF Properties remark

No specific behaviors for this modality. “Common Properties” apply.


Distribution Priority

Distribution Priority

Distribution Priority


This activity overrides the default "Task Priority" – by Default: Normal – configured in your within Distribution Service Settings > Task Priority section.

Note: Flow Actions used in the Nimbus Power Automate Connector can also impact the “Task Priority” of an existing task, effectively overriding both default service settings and your workflow.

Required Predecessor Accept
Advanced Routing Enterprise Routing  Contact Center
Modalities Audio / Video Instant Messaging Email External Task

Common Properties

INC Distribution Priority

Configurable Property Description Behavior
  • Strict*
  • Highest
  • Very High
  • High
  • Normal (Default)
  • Low
  • Very Low
  • Lowest
  • Nothing Else*

* see notes below.

  1. When a new task enters the to the queue, it gets a default priority assigned according to the service's Distribution Service Settings
  2. When the “Distribution Priority” Queue Activities step is reached, the priority can be redefined. 
    💡 For example use “Special” Opening Hours cases to re-define the priority again.
  3. The order of tasks is distributed via round-robin method. Effectively this means: 
    • A new task of higher priority over existing tasks will take precedence and be handled as soon as possible.
    • A new task of equal priority will be sorted in below already existing tasks of the same priority, as it entered the queue at a later point of time.
    • A new task of lower priority will be sorted "in-between" higher priority task rounds, using a weighted round robin method.

When to select "Strict" or "Nothing Else" as priority?

“Strict” tasks will always be put on top of your queue. 
 ⮑Other tasks can get lost due to potentially long queue times as “Strict” tasks always take precedence.  
✅ Use this for emergency services and important VIP hotlines that always should get precedence over anything else in your queue.

"Nothing Else" tasks will only get distributed when your service queue is empty. 
 ⮑These tasks can get lost due to all other tasks taking precedence.  
✅ Use this for non-time-sensitive tasks in when your maximum queue time is long enough for them to get handled.


Priority in other Nimbus areas

  • Whenever certain workflow Trigger Event criteria are met, certain Flow Actions from the Nimbus Power Automate Connector can also be used to set a task priority dynamically. ⮑ This is overriding the default priority set in the Distribution Service Settings.
  • In general, tasks are always distributed according to a service's Distribution Policy (e.g. among "Longest Idle" or "Most qualified" Nimbus users first). 💡 Priority does only affect WHEN a task gets distributed, the policy determins WHO receives it first.
  • In all Nimbus views with a task list (e.g. My Overview or Personal Dashboards with "Task" widgets) "Priority" column indicates how high this task is ranked in the queue. With this setting, tasks may now "displace" existing tasks to a new rank.
A set of Nimbus tasks shown with different priority

Weighted Round Robin Task Distribution

Due to priority-influencing factors mentioned above, tasks may starve long enough to drop out of your queue. An example would be a "Lowest" priority task getting outranked by a huge or stead inflow of higher priority tasks.

To avoid this, a weighted round robin method is in place to mix in lower-priority tasks, which are equally distributed amongst available users.

INC Weighted Round Robin Method

Learn more about the weighted round-robin method

The Round Robin procedure distributes the calls in such a way that the ratio between the individual priority levels is always 2:1. Each time another "Round" is started, that round counter is applied to the "weight" of the remaining tasks.

The following example table assumes a configuration with 3 priority levels. There are 21 calls in the queue, with the following priority:

  • 12 calls with priority 1
  • 6 calls with priority 2
  • 3 calls with priority 3

Following the 2:1 rule, the calls are queue over time t as follows:

  1. Round 1: High Med tasks added in 2:1 ratio. No "Low" priority tasks in Round 1 as "Medium" task count outweighs the low task count.
  2. Round 2: High Med Low tasks added in 2:1 ratio. The "Low" priority tasks get a round-multiplier added to their weight, now outweighing "Medium" tasks and thus are added in a 2:1 ratio.
  3. Round 3: Same as Round 1.

🔍 Sources: Weighted Round Robin (Wikipedia Article)Please note that this example only works as long as no new calls are being processed. Calls with strict or no priority are not considered in this rule.

Legend:  Q: Calls in Queue | H: Handled | R: Remaining

Priority Q H R H R H R H R H R H R H R H R H R H R H R H R H R H R H R
1 (high) 12 2 10     2 8         2 6     2 4         2 2     2 0        
2 (med) 6     1 5     1 4         1 3     1 2         1 1     1 0    
3 (low) 3                 1 2                 1 1                 1 0
Round Counter   Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Round 4 Round 5 Round 6
Time (t)   t1

☝ Reminder: Tasks in a queue with either "Strict" or "Nothing Else" priority will ignore round-robin distribution.


Audio / Video

INC WF Properties remark

No specific behaviors for this modality. “Common Properties” apply.


Instant Messaging

INC WF Properties remark

No specific behaviors for this modality. “Common Properties” apply.



INC WF Properties remark

No specific behaviors for this modality. “Common Properties” apply.


External Task

INC WF Properties remark

No specific behaviors for this modality. “Common Properties” apply.






Puts a task into the queue for the dedicated service line. 

The “Queued” status lasts until either of the following activities is met:

  • Voice message
  • Transfer
  • Cancel task
  • Disconnect call

The following user-side actions also end the task:

  • hang up by caller / customer 
  • accepted by Nimbus service user 
Required Predecessor Accept
Advanced Routing Enterprise Routing  Contact Center
Modalities Audio / Video Instant Messaging Email External Task

Common Properties

Configurable Properties Description

Distribution Type

Distribution Types

💡Note: Certain “Distribution Type” settings may not be supported in “Queue” activities of your workflows, depending on the modality used.

Distribution Type Description When to pick?

Rings users simultaneously, selected in a batch size of 10 longest-idle users. The first user to pick up the call via Microsoft Teams will handle the task.

💡Does not apply RONA status as it would otherwise flag the entire user batch size.

Achieves a higher visibility, but the ringing call sets 10 selected agents as "Not Available", not allowing further calls to be distributed to them in the meantime. 

👎Makes little sense in high-speed scenarios when the agents are dedicated only to the client to accept calls within a few seconds.

Situationally for very large teams where high-volume call handling is more important than equal work distribution.

Direct Will distribute tasks directly to team members, prioritizing the longest idle (active) team member. RONA time is adjustable. No further actions are necessary aside from accepting the call via Microsoft Teams. 

The call with the selected team member is first established via a Teams peer-to-peer call, before it gets escalated to the regular Nimbus conference session.

Useful if you have "Busy on Busy" features enabled for your users. 

👎Otherwise slower than "Direct Conference" and generally not recommended. 

Direct Conference(1)  🌟


Same distribution as "Direct", but selected team members are directly invited to the Nimbus conference session, allowing them to join much faster and be able to talk to the original caller sooner.

🌟 Our general recommendation for most services. Ensures faster handling of calls without blocking too many users at once for the same ringing call.

Pickup(2) with Adjustable RONA Will show extra "Pickup" controls in the tasks list of the called team. A call session will be directly established without further intervention, and no further call reporting is possible after this point. A call session that is not accepted (after "Pickup" is clicked) within the given RONA time can be reinserted into the task queue or handled otherwise. In small teams (e.g. volunteers) where it's acceptable to lose a call and reporting data isn't as important. Adds adjustable RONA time to flag users.
Pickup(2) Conference(1)  Same as "Pickup with Adjustable RONA", but will directly invite the agent to the Nimbus conference session, allowing them to join much faster and be able to talk to the original caller sooner.

Best performance of all "Pickup" types. Unanswered calls can be re-inserted into the queue and no reporting data(1)  is lost. 

Suitable for scenarios in which the agents can keep an eye on the Nimbus app or to "park" calls in a queue so that other calls can be answered first and retrieve them later from the queue.

Available Types (Modes) of distribution in Nimbus.

(1)  Conference invitations get a “cancelled”  result in the Nimbus Reporting Model if a task was aborted (e.g. Hangup by User, Queue left, Max Wait Timeout Reached). 

(2) Contact Center Services generally do not support the "Pickup" option. As calls get automatically distributed, a "Pickup" interaction is undesirable in Contact Center scenarios. Distribution Policies automatically handle call distribution with minimal UI interaction. When Contact Center service workflows still have the "Pickup" distribution type configured, calls are shown in queue without a pickup button. → While configuring Workflows > “Queue” activities for your Contact Center service, use "Direct Conference" instead.

Conditional Options

(shown based on "Distribution Type")

Adaptive Cards           

✅ Requires a "Pickup" Distribution Type to be set.

Enable this for Adaptive Cards to be created automatically within the Service chat channel in MS Teams.

🔍 Adaptive cards will update with the call information. Team members can also opt to pick up calls, listen to voice recordings or mark the call as handled within the card itself.

RONA Timeout

(default / max 00:00:55) 

Specifies the time the system uses to ring a service user, then switches to the next available user in the queue. Applies a RONA status flag when the timeout for the current "Queue" Activity is reached.

💡This setting relies on "Distribution Type" chosen. If not available the RONA timeout is either hardcoded (field greyed out) or the "Calling / Queue Timeout" settings apply instead. Also refer to "Distribution Type" above for more info on RONA.

💡RONA status will not apply to "Broadcast" distribution type setting.


INC Outbound Ring Time Limitation


Microsoft can terminate the dial out in ~35 seconds for some tenants

  • For Direct and Pickup with adjustable RONA distributions, we advise you to switch to Direct Conference and Pickup Conference respectively to mitigate the issue.
  • Outbound (scheduled) Call remain at a maximum ringing time of 30 seconds.
Max Queue Timeout           
(dd:hh:mm:ss, default 00:00:01:00)

Waits for the specified time, then uses the "Max Queue Timeout Reached" exit node.


Sets a waiting playlist for to the caller while in queue.

🔍 Playlists and Resources (music) can be added and defined in the Configuration.


Audio / Video

INC WF Properties remark

No specific behaviors for this modality. “Common Properties” apply.



Configurable Properties Description

Distribution Type

Only “Direct distribution” is available

Adaptive Cards           
Not available.

RONA Timeout

(default / max 00:00:55) 

Specifies the time the system uses to ring a service user, then switches to the next available user in the queue. Applies a RONA status flag when the timeout for the current "Queue" Activity is reached.
Max Queue Timeout           
(default 00:01:00)
Waits for the specified time, then uses the "Max Queue Timeout Reached" exit node.
Playlist Not available.

External Task

Configurable Properties Description

Distribution Type

Only “Direct distribution” is available

Adaptive Cards           
Not available.

RONA Timeout

(default / max 00:00:55) 

Specifies the time the system uses to ring a service user, then switches to the next available user in the queue. Applies a RONA status flag when the timeout for the current "Queue" Activity is reached.
Max Queue Timeout           
(default 00:01:00)
Waits for the specified time, then uses the "Max Queue Timeout Reached" exit node.
Playlist Not available.

Queue Task

Queue Task

Queue Task


Puts a task into the queue for the dedicated service line. The customer will hear wait music. 

🤔 Why pick this over the "Queue" activity?


The default "Queue" activity will simply wait until the end criteria is met.  “Queue Task” allows for further interactions when paired with "Check Task" and "Cancel Task". 

Learn more…

Depending on your chosen modality you can get a much more sophisticated workflow in place. For example: 

  • Follow up with a “Play Music” activity, which continues to play while performing further steps in the workflow.
  • Keep the customer informed about ongoing connection attempts, e.g. via “Get Queue Position” and specifically catered “Announcement” activites.
  • Use workflow-branching paths, e.g. with with multiple "Check Task" activities – while the original task remains queued.
  • React to long queues with more control – e.g. by only using the "End Task" activity once alternatives have been exhausted, e.g. using “Get Available Users” or “Check Opening Hours” from a backup service before attempting a “Transfer” or deciding to “Cancel Task” and “Disconnect”.
  • Get one of the many Power Automate Use Cases in place to follow-up on specific customers or dropped call scenarios.

The following user-side actions also end the task:

  • hang up by caller/customer 
  • accepted by Nimbus service user 

Usage Conditions: 

  • Can be placed anywhere in the workflow, but requires one preceding “Accept”.
  • Requires one succeeding “Cancel Task” activity to work.
Required Predecessor Accept
Advanced Routing Enterprise Routing  Contact Center
Modalities Audio / Video Instant Messaging Email External Task

Common Properties

Configurable Properties Description

Distribution Type

Distribution Types

💡Note: Certain “Distribution Type” settings may not be supported in “Queue” activities of your workflows, depending on the modality used.

Distribution Type Description When to pick?

Rings users simultaneously, selected in a batch size of 10 longest-idle users. The first user to pick up the call via Microsoft Teams will handle the task.

💡Does not apply RONA status as it would otherwise flag the entire user batch size.

Achieves a higher visibility, but the ringing call sets 10 selected agents as "Not Available", not allowing further calls to be distributed to them in the meantime. 

👎Makes little sense in high-speed scenarios when the agents are dedicated only to the client to accept calls within a few seconds.

Situationally for very large teams where high-volume call handling is more important than equal work distribution.

Direct Will distribute tasks directly to team members, prioritizing the longest idle (active) team member. RONA time is adjustable. No further actions are necessary aside from accepting the call via Microsoft Teams. 

The call with the selected team member is first established via a Teams peer-to-peer call, before it gets escalated to the regular Nimbus conference session.

Useful if you have "Busy on Busy" features enabled for your users. 

👎Otherwise slower than "Direct Conference" and generally not recommended. 

Direct Conference(1)  🌟


Same distribution as "Direct", but selected team members are directly invited to the Nimbus conference session, allowing them to join much faster and be able to talk to the original caller sooner.

🌟 Our general recommendation for most services. Ensures faster handling of calls without blocking too many users at once for the same ringing call.

Pickup(2) with Adjustable RONA Will show extra "Pickup" controls in the tasks list of the called team. A call session will be directly established without further intervention, and no further call reporting is possible after this point. A call session that is not accepted (after "Pickup" is clicked) within the given RONA time can be reinserted into the task queue or handled otherwise. In small teams (e.g. volunteers) where it's acceptable to lose a call and reporting data isn't as important. Adds adjustable RONA time to flag users.
Pickup(2) Conference(1)  Same as "Pickup with Adjustable RONA", but will directly invite the agent to the Nimbus conference session, allowing them to join much faster and be able to talk to the original caller sooner.

Best performance of all "Pickup" types. Unanswered calls can be re-inserted into the queue and no reporting data(1)  is lost. 

Suitable for scenarios in which the agents can keep an eye on the Nimbus app or to "park" calls in a queue so that other calls can be answered first and retrieve them later from the queue.

Available Types (Modes) of distribution in Nimbus.

(1)  Conference invitations get a “cancelled”  result in the Nimbus Reporting Model if a task was aborted (e.g. Hangup by User, Queue left, Max Wait Timeout Reached). 

(2) Contact Center Services generally do not support the "Pickup" option. As calls get automatically distributed, a "Pickup" interaction is undesirable in Contact Center scenarios. Distribution Policies automatically handle call distribution with minimal UI interaction. When Contact Center service workflows still have the "Pickup" distribution type configured, calls are shown in queue without a pickup button. → While configuring Workflows > “Queue” activities for your Contact Center service, use "Direct Conference" instead.

Conditional Options

(shown based on "Distribution Type")

Adaptive Cards            

✅ Requires a "Pickup" Distribution Type to be set.

Enable this for Adaptive Cards to be created automatically within the Service chat channel in MS Teams.

🔍 Adaptive cards will update with the call information. Team members can also opt to pick up calls, listen to voice recordings or mark the call as handled within the card itself.

RONA Timeout

(default / max 00:00:55) 

Specifies the time the system uses to ring a service user, then switches to the next available user in the queue. Applies a RONA status flag when the timeout for the current "Queue" Activity is reached.

💡This setting relies on "Distribution Type" chosen. If not available the RONA timeout is either hard-coded (field greyed-out) or the "Calling / Queue Timeout" settings apply instead. → Also refer to "Distribution Type" above for more info on RONA.

💡RONA status will not apply to "Broadcast" distribution type setting.


INC Outbound Ring Time Limitation


Microsoft can terminate the dial out in ~35 seconds for some tenants

  • For Direct and Pickup with adjustable RONA distributions, we advise you to switch to Direct Conference and Pickup Conference respectively to mitigate the issue.
  • Outbound (scheduled) Call remain at a maximum ringing time of 30 seconds.

Audio / Video

INC WF Properties remark

No specific behaviors for this modality. “Common Properties” apply.

Tip: Workflow Template

Start with our “Queue IVR Voicemail”  Workflow Template to learn how “Queue, Check, Cancel Task”  activites can be used.

Start a new workflow with the “Queue IVR Voicemail” system template

Instant Messaging

Configurable Properties Description

Distribution Type

Only “Direct distribution” is available

Adaptive Cards            
Not available.

RONA Timeout

(default / max 00:00:55) 

Specifies the time the system uses to ring a service user, then switches to the next available user in the queue. Applies a RONA status flag when the timeout for the current "Queue" Activity is reached.


Configurable Properties Description

Distribution Type

Only “Direct distribution” is available

Adaptive Cards            
Not available.

RONA Timeout

(default / max 00:00:55) 

Specifies the time the system uses to ring a service user, then switches to the next available user in the queue. Applies a RONA status flag when the timeout for the current "Queue" Activity is reached.

External Task

Configurable Properties Description

Distribution Type

Only “Direct distribution” is available

Adaptive Cards            
Not available.

RONA Timeout

(default / max 00:00:55) 

Specifies the time the system uses to ring a service user, then switches to the next available user in the queue. Applies a RONA status flag when the timeout for the current "Queue" Activity is reached.



Workflow Troubleshooting

Avoiding Workflow Issues

The workflow editor is a very powerful tool, but also allows for misconfigurations and lost calls. Listed below are the most common issues our users report, and how to avoid them:


✅ Workflows: Best Practice

  • Make sure to use Workflow Templates as pointers on how your workflows should be structured. Gradually expand and test your configurations to avoid mistakes.
  • We provide Power Automate Use Cases examples that also include examples using the workflow editor. Read them to get the most out of Nimbus and your external systems.
  • Keep in mind that any workflow changes take effect immediately – either in Modalities Service Settings or the workflow itself. We therefore recommend to test larger changes on copies or a (hidden) service, using test calls.
Issue Caused by How to Avoid
🤔 Calls are not getting accepted at all "Start" node wasn't connected to any other Workflow Activity node.
  • Always ensure that the "Accept Conversation" activity is used as soon as possible.
🤔 Calls are accepted but not handled (to completion) Announcements or similar activities have exit nodes which are not handled, resulting in stuck calls.
  • Always make sure to handle exit cases of activities.
  • Always end calls with an escape - e.g. "Disconnect Conversation" (even after "transfer" scenario).
🤔 Calls are stuck in an infinite loop Steps redirecting on themselves with no exit condition.
  • Always end calls with an escape - e.g. "Disconnect Conversation" (even after "transfer" scenario).
🤔 Calls were not re-entered in the same Queue

Calls reaching the end of a Queue e.g. "Timeout" getting re-inserted into the same queue. 

This causes inconsistent reporting states for the call and sometimes Infinite loops.

  • Always end calls with an escape - e.g. "Disconnect Conversation" (even after "transfer" scenario).
  • "Queue" each caller only once per service.
  • Use Multiple "Queue" activities within a workflow by clearly separating them, e.g. by "Input Customer (IVR)" so each path can only be taken once.
  • Use the "Check Task" and "Cancel Task" activities to play announcements or react otherwise to calls already in a (long) queue.
🤔Parameter checks fail or the default exit is always taken Either the parameter is not written correctly (or not in time) or the validation with regular expression fails to find a pattern. In either case the workflow activity takes the default exits.
🤔I want to select a certain Configuration data item but don't see it in my workflow

Visibility data entities in your workflows follows the Organization Unit (OU) → "Reading along the path" rule. 


When workflow-dependent items are moved to a different OU, your workflow will continue to operate. However, once deselected away from, a moved entity cannot be selected again.

  • Place commonly shared configuration items (Opening Hours, Parameters, Playlists and Resources (Audio files) in higher level Organization Units (OU) to avoid redundancies.
  • For each item, check the “Used in” column within the Configuration before making changes to the OU placement.
  • Note that the workflow itself is also in an OU, which determines the other data entities “visible”.


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