User Administration

The "Users" view allows administrators to search, create and configure Nimbus users. It consists of the following elements:

  • A user list with search, filter and create options. 💡The availability of Nimbus users is directly tied to your (Azure) user directory. You can search users by common or unique criteria such as @domain or their O365 ID.
  • A user detail view, opened when clicking on or creating a user. The view is distinguished by several tabs as explained further below.


When your current Nimbus view offers filters:

  • Click the filter icon for a filter selection menu.
  • Click on a filter name to directly add it and start.
  • Click the toggles to show or hide a filter.

When filters are already active:

Unless “All” is shown as filter content, your results are filtered.

  • Click ✖ inside a filter to clear its contents.
  • The filter itself will remain available for use.
  • To hide a filter again, use the filter menu. 
    ⮑ Doing so will also clear the filter from your search results.

Overview - User Listing

The table of existing users lists the following details:

Column Description / Purpose
Display Name Clear Name of the user - as shown to other users 
Organization Unit

All items (including services) in Nimbus are structured into Organization Units (OU). The user's OU also determines:

UPN User Principal Name to which calls get forwarded to by Nimbus services.
O365 ID Unique Azure / O365 ID under which the user is identified by.
Department Department field (blank if not specified within Azure). 
Attendant Console enabled Shows if an Attendant Console license is enabled for this user. This is a separate Luware application that can also run within the Nimbus Portal UI. 
Active Profile Shows the currently active Responsibility Profile for that user. Primarily used to indicate Contact Center participation.
Number of routing services Shows the amount of services that this user is a part of.

Managing Users

Nimbus retrieves all users from your local O365 user directory. Creating a user means that Nimbus assigns User Roles and Groups for that user, as well as define criteria used from call distribution to that user.

Creating Users

INC User Assignment Types

Each Nimbus service can be of a different user assignment type that determines how users are associated to this service:

  • MS Teams-based: Directly tied to your MS Teams "Teams" as determined during Service Provisioning. Users get automatically added and synced to a Nimbus service.
  • Skill-based: Applies for manually created services via Service Administration. Requires skill-assignment from users you assign to the service from within your tenant directory.
  • None: Has no users, but can be configured by any administrator. Used for IVR or first-level redirection services. 

☝ Important to know: The user assignment type is fixated when a service was either provisioned via MS Teams or manually created via Service Administration, e.g. for IVR or skill-based distribution purposes. A switch between MS Teams-based and Skill-based services is not possible due to how individual users are configured and how Nimbus Features operate.




💡 In its default scenario, Nimbus will add users automatically to its internal directory, keeping it in synched with your MS Teams “Team” structure. This is called “MS Teams-based” Service Provisioning

Other scenarios involve manual service and (optional) user provisioning in the Administration backend, without the need of a Teams channel. Typical examples are IVR routing or skill-based services with a company-wide team of specialists.

🤔 When should I create Nimbus users manually?

Use Case Description
Contact Center Agent In case you want to create a Contact Center service without a direct MS Teams "Team" connection you can add users manually by searching within your O365/Azure user directory. By individually a ssigning licenses to those users you enable Skills and Responsibilities for skill-based distribution within any (future) Contact Center service type.
Frontpage Support / First Contact  Some users may not directly participate in a Nimbus service, but use Luware Interact to directly communicate with customers via embedded Website widget. These users need to be added to the Nimbus list before setting up Interact.

☝ Important to know: The user assignment type is fixated when a service was either provisioned via MS Teams or manually created via Service Administration, e.g. for IVR or skill-based distribution purposes. A switch between MS Teams-based and Skill-based services is not possible due to technical constraints. 

🔍 Things to note:

  • Manually added users will get login access to the Nimbus portal but may not see any relevant reporting data until they are part of at least one service.
  • Certain Features are individually enabled as extensions within the Service Settings of a service. → For example, one service may have the Attendant Console extension enabled for its users, so the menu option becomes available to all of them.
  • Any user that already exists in any Nimbus Service does not need to be recreated / added again and can be upgraded for further licenses and use cases. A user can act in multiple different Roles simultaneously.
  • Nimbus keeps track of users only for its internal Organization Units and Role Access Concept assignment system. Any Nimbus users are always created by reading from your existing O365 / Azure user directory. Nimbus does not create user accounts on its own.

Removing Users

☝ Removing users will also remove their access to the Nimbus portal. Please note that there are constraints that may prevent you from removing a user. A tooltip over an inactive deletion icon will inform you why deletion is not possible.

Example: A user cannot be removed manually if their user account was provisioned via a service synced to MS-Teams


  • You can delete any user that has been manually added and is not synched to a MS Teams-based service yet.
  • Users that are automatically created (e.g. during Service Provisioning) are tied to an active service team and cannot be deleted.
  • Users removed from the Azure user directory are also automatically removed from Nimbus.
  • Deleting users in the Nimbus UI will not remove them from your O365 / Azure user directory, nor remove them from MS Teams.

Editing User Details

To edit a single user, click anywhere on its entry.

 ☝ Please note: 

  • Certain aspects of a user, e.g. Skills and Responsibility Profiles can also be managed by Team Owners, Supervisors or the user themselves via their view of the Frontend UI.  🔍 Also see Agent Service Settings and Duty States.
  • Changes to users can be applied by any (Admin) user with the corresponding role. It is highly recommended for Administrators to coordinate with Team Owners and other Admins when a change of user configurations is planned, as changes can have significant impact on services distributing tasks to that user.

Settings Tabs

🔍 The tabs contents below reflect the user settings available in the Nimbus UI. Please note that some tabs only show when related Nimbus Features were made available on Tenant Level and got enabled via the General tab of the respective user.


General User Settings

An example user with all licenses applied
The "General" tab shows details of a user :
Column Description / Purpose
Display Name Display name of the user, as shown in the Nimbus UI.
Organization unit

The Organization Units of this user.

💡 Note: This determines the items the user can see within Nimbus, not necessarily reflecting which services or rights this user has.

First Name First Name - as provided by user directory.
Last Name Last Name - as provided by user directory.
UPN User Principal Name to which calls get forwarded to by Nimbus.
O365 ID Unique Azure / O365 ID under which the user is identified by.
Licenses See chapter below.


🤔 Why are details read-only? User details are read from your tenant's user directory. Changes are made by your local tenant administrator. Nimbus does not alter these fields to avoid conflicts.

🤔 How are new users added? After Service Provisioning Nimbus adds additional users and grants User Roles accordingly. This " MS Teams-based" User assignment type is the default for Nimbus "Advanced Routing" services. You may however add users manually e.g. to assign them in standalone services that use Skills and Responsibility-based routing without a dedicated Teams channel necessary. More on this topic can be found on Service types.



When a MS Teams "Teams" is removed manually - without prior Uninstallation of the related Nimbus service - the users are not shown within the Nimbus user administration list anymore. However, the team and its members are still shown within Service Administration until the Nimbus team is fully removed from Azure. 


  • Users may still be shown when part of at least one (still) operational service.
  • Nimbus keeps a history of the team members (retrieved from MS teams channel) even after the channel was removed from the teams client. To the User / Service Administrator this will appear as a mismatch of user count.


Note that certain Nimbus Features described in the tabs below are tied to a license. You may not see all user options and configuration tabs until a corresponding license is applied to the user.

The following licenses are available:

License Description Enables Features (Tabs)
Contact Center Allows assignment of Skills and Responsibilities for this user to act as Service Agent (either in combination with existing MS-Teams services or standalone). Call distribution to Agents is done via Distribution Policies


🔍 Also see Distribution Order.

Attendant Console Grants access to Attendant Console features for that user, to be found within the Nimbus frontend main menu.


💡 Users can operate Attendant Console immediately via Frontend and adjust their personal Attendant Settings.

Interact Grants access to Interact features, allowing the user direct interaction with customers visiting via a Website or different Frontend.

Interact Tab.

🔍 Also see Interact prerequirements and Use Case - Enabling additional authorization for Interact

Assistant Grants access to Assistant, a standalone app that provides context and open Direct Call Templates during a service call. 

Assistant Tab.

🔍 Also see Assistant PrerequirementsAssistant User SettingsAssistant Configuration

Transcription Grants access to Transcription, enabling live caption and transcription for calls.


💡Users immediately see the Transcription feature widget in My Sessions when enabled and made visible in a widget for their service(s).

✅ Related Requirement: Certain user Nimbus Features also require a service service with the corresponding license applied via Service Administration. For example: Only a Contact Center service can assign Agents manually and enact Distribution Policies.


INC Modalities

Modalities are indivdual channels of communication and can be individually enabled or disabled for a user.

Individual modalities enabled / disabled on a user

Modality Concepts

For more detailed information, refer to the individual pages on Audio / Video, Instant Messaging, External Tasks and Email, each explaining how they tie into the Task Handling concept behind Nimbus.







Services User Settings

The "Services" tab shows the Nimbus service teams the user is currently a part of:

Column Description / Purpose
Service Display name of the service as shown in the Nimbus UI. Can be changed via the Service Settings.
Users Amount of users in total within that service.
User Assignment Type

Specifies how this user was assigned to a service:

💡 This tab is only for information purposes. The removal of a user is based on the User assignment type of the service.

  • For Microsoft Teams-based services, the user is removed as soon as it also no longer part of the team.
  • For Skill-based (Nimbus) services the user must be manually removed via the Service Administration > Users/Permissions tab.


Roles User Settings

The "Roles" tab allows you to inspect and assign (additional) roles to a particular user. It also provides an overview in which Organization Unit scope each individual role applies. 

🔍 Expand the table below for a full overview of all available roles permissions. Consult the User Role (RBAC) Matrix for more detailed information on the Nimbus access concept.

Good to know

  • Manual Role management is limited to Tenant Administrators or higher.
  • Tenant Administrators may act outside of the Organization Units restriction. Roles can be granted or removed from the Tenant Admin, but will have no effect in Nimbus to avoid locking that user out of any administrative tasks, e.g. not being able to access certain configurable data entities anymore, because the owning user has left.
  • Certain roles are granted automatically or outside of this tab's view, so the "Edit" or "Remove" buttons may not be shown for all entries.
The Roles tab listing various roles the user is acting in, and to wich Organization Unit they apply


Skills User Settings

Allows assignment of previously configured skills to this user.


  • The "Skills" tab is only available when the user has a Contact Center license assigned in the "General" Tab.
  • Skills and Categories need to be defined first (via Admin > Configuration) before you can assign them. Refer to Skills and Responsibilities.

Once Preconditions are met, it's time to assign skills via the "Skills" tab. Perform the following steps:

  1. First, add a Add a language skill to the user. In this example we use Greek and English, both in the the category "Language Proficiency". 
    ⮑ 💡Note how Skill Levels were originally enabled for this category and thus need to be defined once the skill is added to a user.
Assigning Skills and Responsibilities to a user, here with newly created profile called “Backoffice”
  1. Use the Sliders to define the Skill levels
    1. 💡Note that skills with levels are always including previous stages. An Advanced user will also be considered as Beginner.
    2. You can require / exclude users when configuring your Distribution Profiles (e.g. to start support with "Native Speakers" first and gradually lowering the skill requirements). ☝ This is a very good point to double-check if your skills / categories / levels within the complete and in order. Once assigned to users they cannot be changed easily their levels are now being fixated.
  2. Use Responsibilities as optional level
    1. 💡This means that you can define OPTIONALLY responsibility criteria in addition to existing skills level.
  3. Continue to define levels and responsibility for each profile
    1. 💡 Note that a user can have multiple Responsibility Profiles assigned, each with their own set / level of skills and responsibility.
    2. 💡You can add further profiles to a user via the Profiles tab.

Important: Levels and Distribution Policies

Distribution Policies define the skill requirements to your users. If your user does not fullfill the level criteria or lacks any of the skills, they will not be selected for calls.

Related to that: Note that responsibility - while optional on the user definition - will exclude the user from any Distribution Policies that define / demand levels of responsibility. Learn more about this on our Distribution Order page.


Skills assigned to a user will have no effect on call distribution until you perform the following related configuration steps:

  1. Don't forget to include newly required skills and responsibilties in your Distribution Policies. They will define the call escalation levels on your available user pool.
  2. Assign the Distribution Policy to the corresponding  Contact Center licensed Service. This is done in the individual Service Settings > "Distribution" tab. Note that this only works on services where the User assignment type is "Skill-based".
Assignment of a previously defined Distribution Policy




Allows assignment of previously configured profiles to this user. 🔍 Learn more about this on: Responsibility Profiles.


  • The "Profiles" tab is only available when the user has a Contact Center license assigned in the "General" Tab.
  • A profile relies on multiple User Skills and Responsibility Levels to be defined first.

N/A Reasons

Allows to assign Not Available Reasons to a user. 


  • The "N/A Reasons" tab is only available when the user has a Contact Center license assigned in the "General" Tab.
  • Reasons are defined in the Configuration as described on the Not Available Reasons page.

🔍 Reasons are selected by users within Assistant upon entering a "Not available" User State .



Interact User Settings


  • Interact is enabled on tenant level. If this is not the case, ask your Admin or Luware Support to do this for you.
  • To set up Interact for the first time Use Case - Setting up Interact needs to be completed. This allows customers to reach a user directly from external URLs (websites) via small chat or voice widgets.
  • A Contact Center license needs to be assigned to the user to enable the Interact tab.

Editing Interact User Details

After the user has been granted a license, the Interact tab is visible and the option can be enabled.

The following elements can be configured:

Element  Description

✅ This feature needs to be enabled for your Tenant, see preconditions above.

☝ Note that Interact licenses (granted via General Tab) remain assigned to this user even when this is toggled inactive.

Audio & Video

When enabled the user can be contacted via call modality using Interact. The Call Handling procedure is the same as regular Nimbus service calls.

💡Regular Nimbus distributed service calls will still reach this user despite of this setting.

Instant Messaging

When enabled the user can be contacted via chat modality using Interact. The Chat Handling procedure is the same as regular service chats.

💡Regular Nimbus distributed service chats will still reach this user despite of this setting.

Direct System Messages

Direct system messages configured in Admin > Configuration > Instant Messaging can be applied here.

💡These messages customize how this user name appears in chat and which custom messages are sent to that user and the customer they interact with.

Restrict Access

✅You need to configure at least one Interact Domain Templates (CORS)  for this option to be come available.


💡Domain templates act as whitelists:

  • When enabled, web page access to this user is limited to domains specified in the CORS templates. 
  • When disabled. any web page may contact the user via the snippet.
Domain Template Lists configured Interact Domain Templates (CORS)  available under the same  Organization Unit  as the current user.
User Snippet

Default script with settings of  current  user, which is later can be inserted into a the web page and used as a contact widget.


👆 Please note that the Contact ID and WidgetKey are unique to the current user and should not be mixed up.


💡 For easy Snippet Code retrieval use the Copy button.

✅ To test contacting this user, use the use the preview link.



Assistant User Settings


The Assistant license needs to assigned to a user for the settings to become visible. → See General User Settings. If you want to assign Assistant licenses in Bulk, head over to License Management.

Granting the Assistant license will make the tab visible.

Assistant Context and Templates

Allows to assign Direct Call Templates to the user. Template actions trigger only on direct calls to this user in particular.



Direct Call Templates

✅ Requires one or several configured Direct Call Templates to assign.

By clicking "+Add", template items under the same Organization Units (or higher) can be assigned to this user.

💡 Note that the templates will be called in the order they were added to the list. You can drag and drop template items to change the order.

🤔 Can I also assign Templates to Services?

Yes Service Call Templates are similar in design to Direct Call templates, but are configured separatedly and applied on service level.

Show me how to assign templates to a service

To assign templates that trigger on service call:

  1. You need define separate Service Call Templates first.
  2. Assign these service templates via the Service Settings > Context tab. → They will now trigger on a service call, in addition to any individual user templates.

🤔 What is Conversation Context and how is it different to Templates?

  • Conversation Context can be seen as "common ground" URLs to be opened for all service users within the Nimbus portal or Assistant. Context is applied via Extension Service Settings.
  • Compared to Context, Call Templates allow for more control and can also execute sequential actions in the background, invisible to users (e.g. to perform a ticket-creation while triggering a status update).
  • Context has no functional reliance or dependency to either service or direct call templates. Both features can be used in combination or standalone. ☝ However, be aware that your users might get duplicate websites opened when they are defined as context / templates and assigned on both service and user level.

Table of Contents